Interpreting Student meeting others


New Member
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
I live in Ohio and would like to find HOH/Deaf friends to open my vocabulary and world to Deaf culture.
If you are hearing and know ASL, we can meet up if not too far away (to practice)
Also, I'm looking for other ASL/Interpreting students to help practice sign.
I can help ASL students through Skype.
Feel free to add me: Asiankok
Have a wonderful day. :D
I'll Skype with you. I'm chronically ill so I'm pretty much stuck at home all day doing nothing. I also need to practice my signing. I lip read mostly to make it easier on everyone else. So I'm a bit rusty, but I'd love to have a signing buddy! :D I'm a bit shy at first but once I get to know you I'll warm up. :)

My Skype username is 'KhronicallyBreathless'.
KhronicallyBreathless - Just as a long shot, do you happen to have CF?
KhronicallyBreathless - Just as a long shot, do you happen to have CF?

I do. Along with a few other rare conditions that affect my whole body. I'm surprised you know what that is, let alone able to pick that out I'm assuming from my username. :)
Yes, I made an assumption from your username. Although I'm sure there are other potential lung conditions you could have, my granddaughter (who we're raising) also has CF so that came to mind pretty quick.

Keira is pretty fortunate, she seems to have a mild version. Although she also does her VEST and a couple of neb treatments, she's very active with no/little cough. Typically, the only visible way you'd know she had CF is that she takes enzymes.
We're hijacking the thread, but the OP probably should have added to the "Students looking for ASL buddies" thread.

KhronicallyBreathless--I immediately thought the same thing about CF when seeing your user name. It's not surprising that those of us who have experience with CF would wonder. My daughter-in-law has CF. She's a 10 year survivor of a double lung transplant.

It seems there's a connection between CF and loss of hearing. Most research seems to point to medications as the cause.