Internet Captioning (Please Read)


New Member
Apr 8, 2007
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If you've read some of my most recent posts here at AD. Especially in this section of the forum. Then you'd know that I've been devoted to trying to find the best ways for those of us who are deaf or HOH to be able to enjoy internet video with CC. I eve created a youtube channel devoted to internet video. I figured that instead of sitting around and complaining about it. I'll try to do something about it.

Well a couple of day ago a AD member called BelleSorrisa shared some great news at regarding their closed captioning. You can read about that here. It basically means it's now much easier to find their TV shows and movies that have closed captioning.

I'd like to ask everyone to send a feedback Email to thank them for taking steps to improve captioning on the internet.

I just sent them one. It's my hopes that when they receive a good number of positive Emails regarding the steps they've taken to improve their closed captioning. They'll be even more encouraged to make even more improvements such as adding captioning to more of their shows and movies.

Click here to find their Email address. Send it to the "Feedback or Suggestions" Email address.

Thanks for reading.

Ron Jaxon
Ron, I am aware of Hulu offering CC for videos and it is pretty awesome! I too have been hunting all over the web for CC but there are very few sources. Also, I remember reading on a Google Blog about someone who works at Google - he is HOH/Deaf too and he is working to introduce CC to videos on Google Videos and possibly Youtube. I think this was about a year back and not all videos have CC, but I had a link to a big list of videos on Google Video that were actually CC. Another good place for CC - CNET Reviews, not all have, but some do. Hulu is awesome, anyday!
If you've read some of my most recent posts here at AD. Especially in this section of the forum. Then you'd know that I've been devoted to trying to find the best ways for those of us who are deaf or HOH to be able to enjoy internet video with CC. I eve created a youtube channel devoted to internet video. I figured that instead of sitting around and complaining about it. I'll try to do something about it.

Well a couple of day ago a AD member called BelleSorrisa shared some great news at regarding their closed captioning. You can read about that here. It basically means it's now much easier to find their TV shows and movies that have closed captioning.

I'd like to ask everyone to send a feedback Email to thank them for taking steps to improve captioning on the internet.

I just sent them one. It's my hopes that when they receive a good number of positive Emails regarding the steps they've taken to improve their closed captioning. They'll be even more encouraged to make even more improvements such as adding captioning to more of their shows and movies.

Click here to find their Email address. Send it to the "Feedback or Suggestions" Email address.

Thanks for reading.

Ron Jaxon

I glad someone on our side but we need to work on FCC for online stream such as news and another thing from TV need CC which not feel equal to hearing people which can catch up news video online which is BS.
Re;Internet Captioning (Please Read)

Good for you!

..know that I've been devoted to trying to find the best ways for those of us who are deaf or HOH to be able to enjoy internet video with CC. I eve created a youtube channel devoted to internet video.
Ron Jaxon
Another suggestion for your youtube channel:

If people add CC to their videos, it makes the content searchable by search engines and is then not just reliant on the tags.

And also allows people who do not speak their language to translate them. (Read: reach a large audience that does not speak English)

I am thinking of offering a service to create the CC files for their videos. Many businesses are not tech savy and might pay for such a service to increase their accessibility, especially when it doesn't cost them that much for the potential benefits.