Ingenious Minds


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Does anyone ever watch that show on the Science channel? When I got home from work, my hubby was watching it and then he left for work. I didnt change it and ended up watching the series of them just is sooooo fascinating!

If you watch it, what do you think? The show interviews real life people who have unusual brain functions and takes the audience through their experiences. I think it will help society understand those who have been considered bizarre or non-conforming to society.

Fascinating stuff!
No, now that you have brought it up, I am interested. It looks intriguing, though! What time does it air? I want to check 'em out!

Thanks for the heads up!
Episode Guide : Ingenious Minds : Science Channel

Jon Sarkin
Premiere: Wednesday, December 15, 2010
In 1988, a successful chiropractor and family man suffers a sudden and nearly fatal brain hemorrhage. After recovering from his brush with death, Jon Sarkin was overcome with the urge to create art. This born-again artist's work has been featured in a number of major publications and news outlets worldwide.

Premiere: Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Born with severe brain damage and completely blind, medical professionals believed Rex Lewis-Clack would never be able to walk, speak or anything else associated with a normal human life. Little did they know that Rex would become a true musical savant even before his eighth birthday.

Premiere: Thursday, February 24 at 10PM e/p
John Robison is an accomplished mechanical engineer and a savant with Asperger's Syndrome. Cutting-edge Harvard research is hoping to help John overcome the social difficulties Asperger's presents by increasing his ability to empathize.

These were the episodes that were on and I ended up watching.