Independence from what?


New Member
Feb 21, 2014
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What would you guys declare independence from, if you were so inclined?

For me it would be from my parents and their faults. And my hearing aids, or the idea that I am any less without them.

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I would declare independence from my debt and have financial freedom.
Ooh, that's a good one. Maybe we could declare independence from the national debt too?

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Independence from all the "protection" we have because of idiots, sue happy people, deranged killers, etc.
We're losing more & more freedom because of the "bad guys".

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we got something called 'health &Safety which means we are being saved from yourself and bypass common sense
I would declare independence from taxes.

How do you propose paying for roads, airports, trains, National & State Parks personnel & maintenance, public schools, etc.

Maybe independence from corrupt gov't workers & politicians who misuse the taxes would be better.

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Think this thread was meant to be a "wish list" sort of thing without having to justify how to actually achieve such things...