In need of resources


New Member
Dec 23, 2004
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I really am in need of resources, I will be fitted for my HA's tomorrow and I know that even after my insurance pays their part, I can not really aford them right now. I thought about just doing nothing but I need to be able to hear @ work. I am a Nurse and fear my patients safty if I can not hear them when I am walking away or my back is turned. Is there any type of help I can get as far as getting my HA's?
Myheartloves said:
I really am in need of resources, I will be fitted for my HA's tomorrow and I know that even after my insurance pays their part, I can not really aford them right now. I thought about just doing nothing but I need to be able to hear @ work. I am a Nurse and fear my patients safty if I can not hear them when I am walking away or my back is turned. Is there any type of help I can get as far as getting my HA's?

you can ask vocational rehabilitation in your state if you are eligible to obtain some and they will work with you and help you pay, depending on the situtation and the degree of your hearing loss as I'm told. You can ask the place for alternatives like deferred payments perhaps?
Well what kind of hearing aids are you getting? If you're being fitted with the old lady dinky aids, try the larger aids...they are cheaper!
I really do not know what type of aids just yet, everything is so new to me. and everything is happening so fast. I know nothing of hearing aids. Guess I will find out in the morning yes?.