Implanted Hearing Aids!


New Member
Apr 18, 2004
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It was on the news a couple days ago. It's currently being trialled. Only 12 deaf people in the world had it now. Recently a young lady in Sydney has just gotten it.

Interesting, a bit like Cochlear Implant but only for people with mild to severe hearing loss.
interesting, When I get this email from *********** in texas and told that little girl was 8 and excite to have this kind of implanted hearing aids.. I was like huh what is that? Now, I see..
Only 12 deaf people in the world had it now.

but only for people with mild to severe hearing loss.

Why would someone consider mild to severe hearing losses as deaf people? :dunno:

I asked my CI doctor if I could have this other one from Symphonix but he said I had too much of a hearing loss for that. Severe-Profound.
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I thought that this had been around for a few years,(I"ve seen it reviewed in SHH sites and other sites like Listen-Up!)
and was only for a tiny specific population of hoh people.
Why would someone consider mild to severe hearing losses as deaf people?
Lots of people with severe hearing losses consider themselves deaf. I've actually noticed that many people use deaf and hard of hearing as synonyms.
I don't like that idea of that hearing aid device of implant. The reason I say that a such waste to do. While person have trouble with hearing loss and get those, person can be no benefit that will need re-implant as cochlear implant. I think that waste..
As I see it, its a benefit for those who suffer mild to severe hearing losses. So I fully support this. If it does help people gain better use of their hearing and does not restrict them in anyway, what is the harm?!
Miss-Delectable said:
It was on the news a couple days ago. It's currently being trialled. Only 12 deaf people in the world had it now. Recently a young lady in Sydney has just gotten it.

Interesting, a bit like Cochlear Implant but only for people with mild to severe hearing loss.

Yeah, I saw it on the news, too...about that lady up in Sydney -- cool stuff. It's VERY similar to a cochlear Implant, really.

I'd rather wait until the research and successful usage of re-growing cili hair comes around THEN I'll have THAT done to my un-implanted ear. :D
Well i think that wasteful and still waste. About un-implant. is that possible?