I'm Sorry


Apr 27, 2016
Reaction score
i have had an arguement Regarding one of my posts i have made (i feel Bad for saying this) thread.

I overreacted and i was being the child, i am only 18, i am autistic and have been under a Lot Stress because my mom has been in Hospital for 3 Months now and is Severly ill, i have suffered Depression for 7 years now and i am struggling Regarding my Courses and what i should Do in september. Those factors didn't help matters and i am so sorry about argueing.

I have the type of personality that gets angry when i don't feel people Understand me and i have been bullied and had People point out my flaws. Due to my autism, i make rude comments without Myself Even Relising Until it's too late, and when i say dejavu i mean i keep repeatingly making the same mistakes over and over again which is frustrating. I don't mean to argue, i just Want to make Friends and have someone why understands and cares about me which only seems to be my family at the moment. I admitt it, i have no friends as noone gives me Chance and Believe it or not, i am not rude, obnoxious Or ungalant, i am quite the oposite, i Want to be nice, i care and i feel empathy really strongly.

Due to my repetition, i am now sure if i should Stay on These forums, but if you Can,t forgive me and move on together and learn from each other, then i won't bother you anymore.
Apology accepted (even though I was not a participant in your previous thread). I hope you'll stick around.

Being late-deafened it took me a while to realize/learn that the Deaf can be quite blunt, so please take that into consideration when you read their posts.

I'm sorry to hear your mom is really sick and in the hospital. I hope she gets well soon. :hug:
Thanks loveblue, i had trouble understanding that and it came as quite a shock.
I hope you'll give AD another try, a fresh start.

That is a lot of stress for your family with your mom in the hospital. I hope she's on the way to recovery.
I don't feel very popular here at the Moment, i feel hated, Anyway i'll See how Things come Along, thanks Anyway, i don't Want to leave but i feel like i have to.
I really think there is no needs to feel bad , you have a lot going on and I can understand being worried about your mom ,
I hope your mom will be OK . Are you able to see her? It can get rough here , you could read the comments and when you feel ready to join in
give it a try again . I just saw Reba post and I agree with her .
I don't feel very popular here at the Moment, i feel hated, Anyway i'll See how Things come Along, thanks Anyway, i don't Want to leave but i feel like i have to.
You're a new member. We hardly know you. You haven't been here long enough to be either hated or popular. Don't focus on popularity. Just focus on thread topics that look interesting to you.

No one has to leave unless they're banned for breaking forum rules. At the same time, don't feel obligated to fill your time with numerous postings.
ah stick around... lurk for a while and if you feel the desire to post or comment... go ahead. It will take a while to get used to the regular folks here... I know it did for me when I first joined.
You should definitely stick around.

Just, don't be so quick to judge these lovely people here. They were helping you, they mean you no harm and certainly didn't deserve the way you treated them on your last post.

Also, this irks me so forgive me for pointing it out; I'm Deaf and Autistic too so please don't use that as an excuse for your bad behaviour, it gives the rest of us a bad name.

Also, last but not least; look into google chrome spell checker extensions. I use them and they work great for correcting spelling mistakes. So, I highly recommend them if you're having trouble.

I hope you do stay and become a nice, constructive member and continue to give helpful information.
Your a new member that came in head first, don't feel bad. Your not the first. Don't be afraid to join threads we always need a new voice :)
hello again, Daminx, am glad you're trying again. It is really stressful and scary when someone you love in the hospital. Where you live, do you have anyone to talk to about what's happening in your life?

There are many posts on different topics here. One topic is called "Our World, Our Culture" It's about deaf community and how people feel about themselves, about interacting and about culture of course. You can look at that to learn more about how things are on this forum.

I saw in your Intro post from before that you like swimming. I remember when I went with my dad as a kid, when -he- went swimming. We went to a public pool and after he was done, we'd go and get something to eat. It was a special time with him :) He grew up swimming in Lake Michigan.
Don't worry, and don't be sorry for arguing. I have strong opinions like everyone else, and those who disagree with me have attempted to ban me and were successful at one point. They are children seeking attention and attempt to elevate their own opinions by silencing others.
I don't feel very popular here at the Moment, i feel hated, Anyway i'll See how Things come Along, thanks Anyway, i don't Want to leave but i feel like i have to.

It takes a man to admit one's own mistakes - and you not only did, but apologized for it!
yes, like someone already said let's start afresh :)

My advice to you is to wait awhile before you send anything - it's so simple.
come back after 5, 10 minutes when you are calmer and I am sure you'll erase majority what you planned to send.
Also, try not to focus on yourself but on others, it also helps.

I am so sorry about your mom. I am sure it is most nerve wracking to worry about someone so near and dear to you.
I hope she'll be home soon and alright.

last but not least, do enable spellchecker on your computer - see which one do you need according to your browser.
I am not particularly computer literate but I am sure our techies will help you with that :)

Stick around send me a message if you would like to talk for lack of a better term "I'm an open ear" lol I think thats how it goes your not alone if there is one thing I've learned here at alldeaf is that your not alone!
Don't worry, and don't be sorry for arguing. I have strong opinions like everyone else, and those who disagree with me have attempted to ban me and were successful at one point. They are children seeking attention and attempt to elevate their own opinions by silencing others.

That's not true, you were banned for not complying with moderator's request, such as refraining from making discussion or attacking members. You should know that political and religious discussion is forbidden since 2008 and 2012 - that's Alex's decision, not ours nor Calvin. In fact, I have been banned from this forum twice so you are no exception.

but your definition will be true if it is from Deaf Thought Police (DTP) on Facebook.
See what I mean?

Adults can discuss topics like Religion and Politics - children cannot.
Even when adults 'debate' or discuss those two topics, it isn't always pretty and can get quite...nasty.

The rules are there for a reason, I just follow the rules as it's not my 'home' in a sense...I don't run it or pay for it. Alex does.
Rules are rules.
and must of course be obeyed
but rules also have an affect on a place
and its discussion

Indeed its always easier to discuss the latest Kardashian high heels or if prince was abducted by the kgb and replaced by a an imposter...and thusbis still alive being forced to sing for putins bdsm parties..ect ect..

But their are also more important things in life .perticularly for us Deaf
in the end rules are there for a reason
no doubt
but it would be good for us Deaf to learn to actually discuss the real important things...at some point...
but im a dreamer
getting back to the norm
did Kardashian hire an alien refugee space doctor to clone her baby with Napoleons dogs DNA?