I'm new, latecomer with relatively minor hearing loss


New Member
Nov 7, 2009
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Hi, I'm John, I'm 65 and have been ignoring a growing high frequency hearing loss for some years. I'm now in the process of getting set up with my first hearing aids and regretting not doing so sooner. I also regret not having taken precautions over the years while shooting and using power tools which I'm told (along with age) are the likely causes of my loss.

Having read through some posts here I gather that my hearing deficit is much less severe than most. But I hope I can learn from others and maybe contribute something as time goes by. :wave:

I'm retired from over 30 years in the human resources field. If I can provide any employment related counsel, I'm glad to offer my two cents.
Hi and welcome to Alldeaf, thanks for your offer!
Having read through some posts here I gather that my hearing deficit is much less severe than most. But I hope I can learn from others and maybe contribute something as time goes by.

Less and much different. BUt there are some of us that are hoping aging babyboomers will bring the prices down for the rest of us.

I will look forward to watching you learn.

Here is a thread you may enjoy participating in.


there are some of us that are hoping aging babyboomers will bring the prices down for the rest of us.

Thanks for the welcome.

Regarding prices, I've just become keenly aware of this pocket book issue. The technology seems simply amazing and from what I've been reading new technologies are leaping onto the market. There's always a price to pay for such things, but I've now done my small part to drive down prices:doh:.

I'm remembering the first hand held calculators - TI brought out a model years ago that would do a square root calculation at $149 (probably $300+ in today's dollars). Now you can get a more sophisticated calculator for $1.95 in the checkout line.

I know the volume of sales in hearing aids will never mirror that of calculators, but you are correct that the baby boomers will make a big difference. Convincing more of them that 1. they have a hearing loss and 2. it can be helped will be key to incrementing the demand. I know I took a lot of convincing.
Regarding prices, I've just become keenly aware of this pocket book issue. The technology seems simply amazing and from what I've been reading new technologies are leaping onto the market. There's always a price to pay for such things, but I've now done my small part to drive down prices.

And we salute you!
My step grandfather absolutely refuses to get hearing aids, though he needs them!!! Maybe you can convince him!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
My step grandfather absolutely refuses to get hearing aids, though he needs them!!! Maybe you can convince him!

Almost all hearing people who had hearing losses from aging or loud noises that destroyed their hearing were just stubborn people. For example, like my mother who lost her hearing refuse to wear hearing aid or hearing aids in the past (she passed away in 2003). I did tried to convinced my mom to wear hearing aid and so was my sister tried to convinced her but she refused all the same. You just try the best you can to convince your grandfather to give a try for hearing aids. But other than that, nope. :ugh: