I'm getting hardballed again! - Message sent to DeafNevada

RoehmIsAPenis2, You got free coffee, then shut the fuck up.

I'm happy you got banned. :rofl:
Hey Deafbiz and nesmuth,

you are not the only who got smeared. I have been targeted and smeared in a stupid smear campaign.

my friend im'ed me to see if I am here. indeed I am here. asked me if I got myself deep in trouble. I am like what? deep trouble for what? he said got email from friends about police investigate on me. and he forwarded the email to me and I goes oh gee. not another one molded after that congressman article that nesmuth mentioned. I was shocked to be the target.

So what did we (me, deafbiz, nesmuth) do to make this person send out libelous articles smearing us?

I wonder if others are targeted too as well...
:shaking my head: it seem some people don't have anything better to do but ruin those they dislike, how sad...

You guys know the truth, so if others believe it, then let them, cause one day they shall see the truth...

Hang in there guys :grouphug:
This is our agency's 'official' response to the recent waves of rumormongering;

"Recently, there has been numerous attacks on deaf leaders either via email, newsgroups, blogs, postings, and websites. These people who attack deaf leaders are just the very reasons that justify the society's need for agencies like ours as we have the means to connect people with personal challenges to the right kind of help they need to be able to lead a safe, healthy, and productive living as everyone else."

Those who spread rumors on via email, newsgroups, blogs, postings, websites and forums are just are the people who have no life. Don't worry about it. Some of us don't even bothered believing such rumors or gossip or make up stories. :thumb:
Richard, I´m agree with most of posts... Who tried to dirt your image is their loser!!!!

One Admin. from other forum accussed me as troublemaker because I vented out in trust forums, not his immature forum. He & his groups can´t see the difference between venting/ranting and backstabbing and can´t accept that it´s my decision to pick which forums, I trust to vent out my feeling. *shake my head* I would advise you to ignore people who are nasty to you because you know that you done nothing...

RoehmIsAPenis2, you prove yourself is a definitely sick man... You need a professional help.
Liebling:-))) said:
Richard, I´m agree with most of posts... Who tried to dirt your image is their loser!!!!

One Admin. from other forum accussed me as troublemaker because I vented out in trust forums, not his immature forum. He & his groups can´t see the difference between venting/ranting and backstabbing and can´t accept that it´s my decision to pick which forums, I trust to vent out my feeling. *shake my head* I would advise you to ignore people who are nasty to you because you know that you done nothing...

RoehmIsAPenis2, you prove yourself is a definitely sick man... You need a professional help.
Liebling, your situation is not the same thing that Deafbiz, nesmuth and I are experiencing so far. we are talking about email hoax smearing actual person like us three.

Nesmuth, I don't think it has anything to do with your agency, or deafbiz's site and mine since you says need more agencies. nah...

What I am thinking is that there might be a website that allow someone to create a false article like we have seen. This has been done before years ago. I recall someone posting a link to a fake website with fake article with person's real name on it.
I am so sorry to hear all those trouble going on around you guys. It is not fair that you have to go through all those nasty stuffs. You guys deserves something better and have better thing to do then this. :hug: Hang in there.
A fresh round of email rumormongering has taken place while I was at the Pet Expo today.

Saying I was arrested 7 times and that I was going to collect people's social security numbers and other personal private info to use to run a scam at the DeafNation Expo this coming Saturday.

The only 3 things we (OCDAC) will be doing at the DeafNation Expo this coming Saturday is;

1) Pass out free books to deaf people from our deaf-blind department

2) Get deaf people to sign up for our free weekly newsletter at yahoo groups

3) Sell the popular Mint Meltaways candy

Even another of my friends who is a successful deaf enterpreneur says theres been email that he murdered 2 people 10 years ago and fbi was looking for him. He too has a booth at DeafNation Expo too.

Someone's really working hard to scare me from going to the DeafNation Expo this coming weekend. I'm not going to let this childishness prevent me from providing the needed education about a specific group of deaf people who have been left out by the mainstream deaf society, the deaf-blind people.

Shame On That Person!

It is disgusting how someone would smear people who are trying to help the community.

Richard, you may want to consider getting a restraining order aganist certain people/persons. This will give you protection in court if the person/s assault or approach you and violate the restraining order. You will need sufficent evidence to back up your request for a RO. I am more than certain you already know all this.
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Nesmuth, I am so sorry to hear that some people are going out of their fiendish ways to hurt you, and smear your name like this!!!! What, these people have nothing better to do with their lives, so they decide to smear someone else's life to give them no peace and a bad reputation? This is so awful, and I pray that you can get this straightened out, and the responsible party will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. You don't deserve this, and neither to either deafbiz and boult. What kind of people would do this kind of a sick thing, knowing that this is going to hurt your families too!!!
Hang in there, and keep fighting!!!! I hope they find who is doing this, arrest them, so they cannot hurt either one of you, or anyone ever again. Again, I am so sorry that the 3 of you are being hurt this way, and for what? For nothing!!!! Good luck and God bless!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Batou said:
Richard, you may want to consider getting a restraining order aganist certain people/persons. This will give you protection in court if the person/s assault or approach you and violate the restraining order. You will need sufficent evidence to back up your request for a RO. I am more than certain you already know all this.
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

A RO would be useless in a situation like this. He's using others to spread messages about me and those are not valid causes for restraining orders.

The best thing is to educate people my side of the story and move on. Time will make these imps disappear on their own.

Deaf Images said:
It is disgusting how someone would smear people who are trying to help the community.


Whats worse is I'm picking up wind AGBell folks putting a cash bounty on these emails to collect and use against the whole deaf community in a concerted effort to pull public funding away from the larger deaf organizations like National Assn Deaf and the others like them.

Basically the rumormongers are hurting the whole deaf community trying to hurt me and a few other deafs with malicious email rumormongering.


IF they want to hardball us, they can be seen as bullies and selfish! I know plenty of them.

Nesmuth said:
Whats worse is I'm picking up wind AGBell folks putting a cash bounty on these emails to collect and use against the whole deaf community in a concerted effort to pull public funding away from the larger deaf organizations like National Assn Deaf and the others like them.

Basically the rumormongers are hurting the whole deaf community trying to hurt me and a few other deafs with malicious email rumormongering.


That is complete bull. People are not going to pay money for emails that are fabrications about you and others lifestyles and "use against the whole deaf community." You're paranoid, and you're not that important, Richard.
Dennis said:
That is complete bull. People are not going to pay money for emails that are fabrications about you and others lifestyles and "use against the whole deaf community." You're paranoid, and you're not that important, Richard.

Typical "cry wolf" remark.
