Im confuse and lost need help..please


New Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Hello guys Im new here, Im hearing and i had a deaf bf online..we dated for almost 8yrs and recently broke up(last month..)
ok heres the story..(its kinda long so just bear with it..)

i met this deaf guy online in a chat room and i didnt know I will date with him because IM MARRIED (but having prob with my marriage life)..AND HAVE KIDS..yes...I am...
First when i started to talk to him he didnt know i was married and have kids cuz i didnt tell him till we dated (2002)and after 6months dating him I told him the truth that im married and have kids and i broke up with him and lost contact for 3months but after that he came back begging me to come back to him cuz he loves me and he accepts me eventhoug im married..I love him then so we continue our online relationship...I didnt know he was deaf..cuz we just talk on messenger..I was wondering why he hasnt call me on phone and i asked him, but he said he is a student and cant afford lont distance call, which convinced me not to force him to call me..after 4 yrs of dating him. He one day told me that he is deaf....I couldnt believe myself,..he asked me if i can accept him as my husband because he said he wants to marry me in the future..I couldnt answer soon that time...but i was thinking the love i have for him and the way he told me that he loves me and the care he gave me..(which is i never had with my hubby)..So i accept him as who he is..we had our ons and offs in 8yrs..there are times that i was the one who wants to broke up and he kept on coming back to me telling that he really loves me and i was weak to hear that so I continue seeing him..
But...he cheated on me twice for that 8yrs
which is the reason now we broke up recently...Oh forgot to say he is a CHRISTIAN...
I love this deaf guy so much..but now i knew he just used and fooled me..
For everything I did for him and for everything he said to me..
And now i find out that nobody in his friends know about me.. cuz he doesnt want to ruin his christian image...Yes.. alll of his friends know him as a Christian and a good deaf guy..
I caught him cheating on me again recently and he just made his drama that we have to a part cuz im married etc..etc.. which is he already knew..
I feel ashamed of wat i did giving him all of me....
Im preparing to be with him in the future cuz he said he really loves me so im working hard and saving for our start

Hes now flirting with the girl but he hide about me to that girl..but the girl found out about me..and he said I destroyed him to that girl..
I told him to tell the girl the truth(that he dated a married woman) I dunno if he did..but i think he will tell lies cuz he wants to remain his good image as a christian to that girl (the girl is deaf)

I dunno why he did these all to me..Im now lost and cant sleep at nite thinking of wat happened..

can somebody give me advice

Still loving Tai D.
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that's all right...good to ask questions.. welcome to!

Sounds like this dude is a douche...he's using your excuse of a "failed" marriage to cheat on other really, don't lose sleep over it cause those two things from both of you sort of "cancel" each other out. I'd work on the current marriage and forget this other dude.
I dunno why he lied alot and hide alot to me..he really lead me on...
I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive but...

You meet a guy in a chat room and cheat on your husband with him for 8 years - and that is ok.... but then when this guy cheats on you, that's wrong ?

I'm sorry but it can't be "ok for you" but not "ok for him" ...
8 years of online dating???????? gotta be a record. anyone i met online i had to meet in person or or it never went beyond friends. deaf or hearing won't matter when online cheating goes on. drop him and the idea of dating online.
Another Soap Opera....nothing was said about how the "kids" were handling this!....How many do you have?.....Ur age?.....
My advise to you is to Grow Up!....Leave the men alone until you are stable and give ur kids stability....if you're gonna cheat on ur husband and not work on ur marriage, then get a divorse. Ur committing adultry right now! And your husband has every right to take the kids away from you...
Sorry, I have no sympathy for you! Why?? Because you are not "thinking" about the children that you brought into this're just making more "drama" for them and your life....

Seems to me you are very immmature....
Just curious, but did you ever meet in real life? If you didn't, I can't really even take any of this seriously.
I dunno why he lied alot and hide alot to me..he really lead me on...

"First when i started to talk to him he didnt know i was married and have kids cuz i didnt tell him till we dated (2002)and after 6months dating him I told him the truth that im married and have kids and "
don't you think this is double standard , you were leading him on first by not telling him you were married , and you're complaining about be lead on !
And now you wonder why a guy lie to you! Are you for real!
Wirelessly posted

Girl, you're in a mess!! You cheated on your husband so dont blame your bf for everything. Both of you guys are in the wrong. All you have to do now is follow your heart, mind and gut. It knows what it wants. Wish you the best luck of everything!
8 years of online dating???????? gotta be a record. anyone i met online i had to meet in person or or it never went beyond friends. deaf or hearing won't matter when online cheating goes on. drop him and the idea of dating online.

hello thnx for the reply,,yes its true 8yrs online dating.
Maybe im just so weak everytime he said he really loves me..I was waiting for him to meet me cuz he said he will but he never did..but last year we met in othercountry (we live diff country).And the thing is he doesnt have money and he asked me for money..well he told me not to miss that meeting so i did lent him money but he did pay me all..that sucks..and I know its too late to realize that im stupid..
and im so upset and cant accept that he just used and fooled me...

again thank you very much..
Another Soap Opera....nothing was said about how the "kids" were handling this!....How many do you have?.....Ur age?.....
My advise to you is to Grow Up!....Leave the men alone until you are stable and give ur kids stability....if you're gonna cheat on ur husband and not work on ur marriage, then get a divorse. Ur committing adultry right now! And your husband has every right to take the kids away from you...
Sorry, I have no sympathy for you! Why?? Because you are not "thinking" about the children that you brought into this're just making more "drama" for them and your life....

Seems to me you are very immmature....

Thnx for this...I did want a divorce and my husband doesnt want to cuz he want the kids but he cant take care of them alone..and I know its a sin..we had our on and offs how many times cuz hes a christian...but after that like wat i said he keep on coming back to me again and I was weak whenever he said he really loves me...I already told him that my kids still need me now and hes still studying..Its not that im not thinking of my kids..
My point is if only he could have told me he is looking for other girl,i would have understand him..and we could have end in peace without bitterness left..But he didnt..He wanted to keep me cuz if he got hurt with a girl he can come back to me anytime cuz he knows I can accept him..I trusted him so much...
But yea..I now realize that I wasted my time to him.

Thnx again..
"First when i started to talk to him he didnt know i was married and have kids cuz i didnt tell him till we dated (2002)and after 6months dating him I told him the truth that im married and have kids and "
don't you think this is double standard , you were leading him on first by not telling him you were married , and you're complaining about be lead on !
And now you wonder why a guy lie to you! Are you for real!

I broke up with him when i told him Im married..and he really begged me to come back I didnt know he was deaf that time...
Wirelessly posted

Girl, you're in a mess!! You cheated on your husband so dont blame your bf for everything. Both of you guys are in the wrong. All you have to do now is follow your heart, mind and gut. It knows what it wants. Wish you the best luck of everything!

Yea really mess!! thanks a lot im trying hard to accept everything...its kills me everytime i think of wat happened
Are you soon going to start asking us for money? You seem to write in the style of many scammers we see here.