Im am hearing and want to learn more about deaf culture


New Member
Feb 10, 2006
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Hey! Well i am hearing and i just wanted to learn more about deaf culture. Also i would like to know where i could buy videos about deaf perspectives. If you have anything at all you would like to share with me that would be very appreciated! I just really want to learn more. I have been in ASL classes for 3 years now...but i dont know alot about the people...i just know sign language...this is my passion and i would just love to learn more!
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Enjoy browsing and posting! :)
:welcome: here. You've picked a good place to get information.
Have fun!
:welcome: To All Deaf glenkc!!
I'm hearing also & it's been fun learning myself:)
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:
:wave: to AllDeaf, glenkc! You've came to the right place to learn something from us deafies, We have many topics about deaf education, deaf world, sign language, and many more! Hope you'll find this site enjoyable for you. See ya around! :hug:
to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
Welcome... you can only learn so much via reading... you need to get out there and experience it firsthand for a better understanding - even then it's gonna take years, lol... good luck and enjoy.
:welcome: to Alldeaf and hope that you learn alot more from us and if you need any more help on projects for the deaf.. please don't be heistant to ask us any questions! We are here for you! :wave: