I'm a newbie here!

nlpras said:
Hello! I just found this website and was really impressed with the great support I have been reading. I am 33 and losing my hearing. I have never taken a sign language class because I did not find out until last year that my hearing would soon be gone. I have taken lip reading courses and am getting better at it each day. I have been trying hearing aids, but I can't get used to having them in my ears so I only wear them once in while but never in public. I'm generally not a self-conscious person, but I'm having a difficult time adjusting to the changes that the future will hold. I'm also a teacher, so I have been looking into other career options. I am happy that I found this site because I finally feel that I can share this with other people who can truly understand. I hope to make some new connections and really want to let you know how impressed I am with the positive messages I've been reading.
hi i'm Lori from michigan 33 lost my at birth. i been wear my hearing aids 3 year old. i read lip very good. hope to hear form you
That was an interesting comment about using my time to find ways to be accommodated. I'm a Spanish and English as a Second Language teacher. Any ideas? I was thinking of learning more about speech pathology or deaf/hoh education. I appreciate the reply and help!!
Suggested reading

nlpras said:
That was an interesting comment about using my time to find ways to be accommodated. I'm a Spanish and English as a Second Language teacher. Any ideas? I was thinking of learning more about speech pathology or deaf/hoh education. I appreciate the reply and help!!


You may be able to put your ESL experience to use as a teacher of the Deaf or as a resource teacher. I would check with your school district. You could also find out where the NV School for the Deaf is at and visit or e-mail them.

The book, "For Hearing People Only", has some good information about Deaf culture and education. Harlan Lane has also written several books about Deaf education. Check with your public library. Good luck.