
well I think it all started in the elementary schools. You know, kids... the only way the deaf children know how to express their fondness is by signing "ILY!" to their teachers and classmates when departing to home.. I did it all time when I was at that age. I could remember my hearing teachers saying ILY back and it would take us forever to get on the schoolbuses because all of kids were busy hugging eachother and "ILY"-ing eachother. Ah... those old days. ;)
But as we grow, we learn a new definition of "love" and naturally we started to wean off from saying "ILY" to every familiar face. To children, "love" means you like them. so.. yeah... but i understand your questions- ADULTS say ILY to everybody... well i guess they don't want to let go the old days? ;)
I only say ILY to girls. yeah... only if we are in a kinky mood, LMAO!
I have replaced "ILY" to "MEOW". I kept meowing at everybody, lol oh well.
pimpdaddyposse said:
well then let me say this... :ily: cuz I see that on your icon too lol
that is my real hand, I had mehndi (a cultural temporary tatoo) done on my hands and oh my god, when I was signing, I confused many deaf people cuz they couldnt stop looking at the design ;) distracted them from my less than perfect signing skills ;)
I find AD members' answers very insightful. Thank you! :)

Sweet_KJ said:
One thing that bothers me about the common usage of ILY in deaf culture is that it makes me wonder how one knows that in a relationship the partner isn't signing it just because it's common or if they really really did love you? [snip]

How does a deaf person really describe/sign their true desires instead of using the over-used ILY sign? (I'm sort of inexperienced in dating deaf guys)

Sweet KJ, I have never dated a deaf guy, so I find your questions interesting. I thought about it for a while and I realized that I have never signed "ILY" to anyone. I like to say "I love you” because it seems so sincere and appropriate. Call me crazy, I don't care. <g> My hearing sister loves to sign "ILY" to me all of the times.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
:ily: feel weird heh?
yeah cuz you dont know if they trying to hook up or they are saying it as a "goodbye thing" I know later on when they call/text/email me that they want to hook up of course i have to break it nicely that i just to be friends!!!