Ikea! Ikea! Ikea!

IKEA is teh Bomb!

Man... I love IKEA. My wife loves IKEA even more though... the perfect is day is the day that I sit in the cafeteria eating platefuls of SWEDISH MEATBALLS while she shops shops and shops.

/Used to go to IKEA near Seattle
//Now lives in Utah
///No IKEA in Utah... damn stupid retarded Utah. I want to move back to Portland Oregon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ikea is nice and reasonable prices.. I brought a table and chairs from them and 1 year later, the table's legs broke and the chairs started to fall apart. So I stopped buying things from there.

I like to go there for lamps and small furnitures.
I went to ikea for first time yesterday in emeryville near berkeley.. they have food know what? sweden food (cafe) but on 2nd floor near the cashiers they have america food but cheap too just like I expected.. it's near 2nd floor (first floor they had cafe and had professional people making real good food..) I was like damn.. but when u get further into ikea it's almost simliar to home depot.. I was like :roll: but ah it was interesting to know what ikea is alla bout I give it :thumb: but yes stuff are cheaper I was like damn.. oh we went cuz my bro was lookin for lamp stand.. and it is cheap too I was like jesus..