Ignored Deaf Americans in Americans with Disabilities Act


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May 20, 2003
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Ignored Deaf Americans in Americans with Disabilities Act


The Honorable George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President Bush:

I read a letter, I agree with them. Letter said that we are really respect you as much as you did do many good jobs for us deaf Americans but you may have overlooked or ignored one missing thing for us (Deaf Americans)is the ADA.

On July 26th,1990, your father, George Bush signed the new ADA is good for blind, disabled wheelers, etc. but ADA is does not help the deaf people because it have too many loopholes. We heard horrible stories from the deaf people that they tried ADA and it did not protect them from like discrimination against them in being not hired for jobs, deal with law enforcement, etc. some of reports mentioned that some deaf victims tried to sue private companies for discrimination that involves not being promoted in their jobs or the company ignored deaf employee's required interpreter for meetings then at the end, the deaf victims were counter-sued and lost their houses, money from bank accounts, etc by greedy and insensitive private companies who hired the top lawyers in the field. Many deaf people cannot afford top ADA lawyers. President, now you see that's why many deaf people are leery of using ADA to file complaint against private companies, states, and cities, etc.

This will cause more and more deaf people to become depressed and lose pride in themselves and more will be poorer and turn to crime. Trust and believe me because our own eyes have seen some of our deaf friends became homeless, sell ABC fingerspelling cards at someplaces, etc. because we did try so hard to get good jobs but we got burned sooner or later after we tried ADA and a lot of private companies treated us like 2nd class citizens. Many deaf people rely on SSI to survive because we cannot get jobs even they got college degrees and /or training in certain fields - why? Many companies chose to ignore a deaf qualified applicants because it cost too much (equipment and interpreters to help deaf communicate with the hearing) and we don't want to take the time to communicate and train new deaf employees.

If you want to see many deaf people become big successful like have good jobs and good families and reduced dependence on SSI. If the SSI payments to deaf were cut off then how we can survive if no one wants to hire us? Imagine if you were deaf and you cannot get a job. What would you do to survive? Become straved with no food and you have to steal so that you can live for another day. Then make the ADA strong with teeth to bite those who abuse the deaf rights. We will be very appericate if you help us by tell the Congresses to cork loopholes in damn ADA now! or you better to pray that million deaf Americans do not know become criminals to survive or more impovished and end up in more new federal and states prisons someday.

I write this.....
After your father signed the new ADA, in 1991, my husband and I are both deaf, my husband is a family man of our two hearing children. He was laid off from his job of 20 years service at Bankers Trust Co in New York City. I shocked horrible to learn that my husband loses his job. He tried to fill applications out for permanent full job long time. He applied the Social Security Disability. Two months later, he got a SSD check for pay the bills. It was not enough income. We went to see a ADA lawyer. He asked my husband about what date of layoff? My husband told him. A lawyer said that less than a year, he can do. more than a year, he can't do. We frustrated.

He had many temporary jobs. He does not know what rule of SSD about allow limited salary per month. He lost the SSD because of overpayment. He was very upset and depression. He found underemployment without the SSD. I lost the SSD too. I was complaint to need money for taking care of our children and buy the food. SSA applied a form for me. I got a part income. My husband hid from me, took some his IRA money for paying the bills often time. Later, he frustrated to get tax bill from penalty of his IRA. I was very upset.

I called a bankruptcy lawyer to give him an interpreter telephone number. Later, a lawyer said that he can't afford to pay an interpreter 150 dollars per hour. I had to be patient to go visit the lawyer's office for meeting. I wrote front and back to him and his secretary who knows fingerspelling a little. I tried to communicate too hard for them. I was afraid of them probably misunderstand. I got a letter that we are both completely deaf and after losing employment in the city decided to seek employment in this area. Unfortunely the employment search involved reduction in income for quite a period of time, and the new job now obtained does not have a very high-income level sent to the credit card companies. I agree with a lawyer.

1991 thru 2002, he had underemployed without the SSD to treat our family and me. That not enough money. SHAME. We need home improvement for roof, blacktop on driveway, deck, and bathroom. This means mad taxpayers will pay mult-million dollars to fed deaf mates and me!!
