If you have worn more than one make....


New Member
Sep 3, 2005
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of equipment, which make would you definitely not want to wear in the future - or which make do you want to wear, if you have not worn this one already, and in both cases, why?
I don't get why as a hearing person has so much interest in just hearing aids for the deaf...you say you aren't trying to collect information but it seems that u just ask questions about hearing aids and sometimes CI?
I would like to try Oticon with their cool transparent cases. I think all the major big brands are pretty equal in function, but they do have some cool looking Oticon's. I would pick orange or yellow.

And I don't know why he keeps asking , Alicia, but he can't seem to help it, and they are always polite questions.
I would like to try Oticon with their cool transparent cases. I think all the major big brands are pretty equal in function, but they do have some cool looking Oticon's. I would pick orange or yellow.

And I don't know why he keeps asking , Alicia, but he can't seem to help it, and they are always polite questions.

OOO a hearing aid fetish?:laugh2:.... thats actually kinda creepy :P
I havent liked seimens (sp?) and want to try phonak or something known to be more reliable. The audi in the past only sold seimens, and they malfunctioned often (except for the one my dog chewed).