If you could hang out with any movie character....


New Member
Sep 25, 2009
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If you could hang out with any movie character for a day,
whom would you choose as your sidekick?

(It can be more than one if you wish.)
If you could hang out with any movie character for a day,
whom would you chose as your sidekick?

(It can be more than one if you wish.)

They would be from TV. Joe Mantenga and Kristen Vangsness.

He plays Dave and she plays Garcia.

Joe Mantegna has partial paralysis for his face, not as bad as me, but he makes me happy to see every week.

Kristen Vangsness plays their computer expert and is a plump woman with many pairs of glasses. I identify with her.
look at my avatar. id like to drink with him and get wasted at las vegas! lol
TV character: Hank Moody from Californication.

Movie character: The Dude, from the Big Lebowski.
That's easy... I'd pick Alice Cullen from Twilight & Indiana Jones from Indiana Jones Movie... I think it'd be fun to go all those adventures.
Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean). He's such a character. :lol: Gotta love him.

Han Solo. I always thought he was so cool. :cool2:
hard question!! hmmm lemme thinkkk.......
no idea for film but if it was tv programme, hugh laurie
Keyser Soze.

Vincent Vega.

Jules Winnfield.

Neil McCauley.

And of course, Terminator.
Harry Potter. I want to go to Hogwarts. I'd make a good Hermione.
From the Movies it would be Michael Corleone (Godfather).......I have some debts I need to collect

From TV it would be Adrian Monk......My house could use better organization
It could be Inspector Gadget and the 12 yo girl (I remember her name only in French, which is Sophie).
Inspector Gadget is the extreme ADHD person, and Sophie is the common-sensed person, following Gadget in his surveys....

I also like Columbo, he is the ADHD like he never listens to his boss and makes things in his own way, I am exactly like that.

Like these 2 inspectors, I am very nosy and it sometimes saved me life (as proper as figurative meaning).