If You Are Deaf, Please Answer Regardless Of What Your Friends Think...

If you are deaf, would you consider having a cochlear implant?

  • No, I don't want to take a chance; No, I may lose all my deaf friends

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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CI vs. Nanotechnologies


We will have to wait for 25 to 75 years to see if Nanobots can restore any hearing loss....

Resource: Nanobot.info

That's right. No Scar on your Head!!!!!
Deflord......I think actually that maybe part of the reason why some Deafs are anti-CI or anti-oral is b/c of the sterotypical AG Bell types who really look down on ASL and Deaf culture, who are REALLY into CI and oralism. (who are VERY VERY audist in other words)
If you're involved in Deaf culture already, then I don't really see how people would dump you. You're simply taking a " Gotta use everything I can approach".....and that is a GREAT GREAT attitude!
deafdyke said:
Deflord......I think actually that maybe part of the reason why some Deafs are anti-CI or anti-oral is b/c of the sterotypical AG Bell types who really look down on ASL and Deaf culture, who are REALLY into CI and oralism. (who are VERY VERY audist in other words)
If you're involved in Deaf culture already, then I don't really see how people would dump you. You're simply taking a " Gotta use everything I can approach".....and that is a GREAT GREAT attitude!

Did I hear rumor that AG Bell fluent in ASL? However, his wife did forbid him to use sign language except fingerspelling. I do not believe that his wife was an excellent lip-reader. How can she read any man's lips with beard. I am sure that she knew what performancers saying at any theater after she always read books or scripts...
DoofusMama said:
After all I suffered with my mom... she was mentall abuse and physical abuse me when i was little throughout childhood/teen... She forced me to go many places and hoping for my hearing bring back...

She forced me to have cochlear implants on both ears.. at age 16, I refused.. she tricked me to sent me for hearing test but I was end up in waiting room to go in surgery, I was like wtf.. why IV? i thought i am suppose to have hearing tests.. Dr asked me if I know anything.. I said.. Is it for hearing tests.. Dr said... no.. you are going to have surgery for cochlear implants.. I jumped out and yelled Noooo way.. Dr scold my mom..

So, now I am against to it.. Sorry.. if you are born deaf or hoh.. so Be at it.. that what God made for you....

Oh my my god... Unbelievable, your mom over control your body. Thanks God, she did not get you a cochlear implant when you were infant.
No, AG Bell was more "Sign is evil" mentality
Oh, and it'll be a wicked wicked wicked LONG time before any cure comes. Believe me I know....the companies aren't gonna wanna give up their record profits!
mld4ds said:

We will have to wait for 25 to 75 years to see if Nanobots can restore any hearing loss....

Resource: Nanobot.info

That's right. No Scar on your Head!!!!!

Actually if you read this
Nanotechnology can also be used to partially repair neurological damage. For example, it can improve the accuracy of cochlear implants that turn sound into electrical impulses and create light-activated implants in the retina to partially restore lost vision. Also, biomemetic scaffolds can help damaged nerves to regrow and reconnect. For more: Virtual Reality.
It is indicating it would improve the accuracy of cochlear implants. So it might still have a dependency on other technology. This was listed on the nanobot.info site.
mld4ds said:
We will have to wait for 25 to 75 years to see if Nanobots can restore any hearing loss....

Resource: Nanobot.info

That's right. No Scar on your Head!!!!!

for most of us, in 25 to 75 years we will probably be dead, so why wait til 25 to 75 years for a ""cure""
pek1 said:
If you are deaf/Deaf and had the opportunity to have a cochlear implant, knowing everything you need to know about it, would you do it? If yes, why? If not, why not?

I noticed that each answer will be recorded. If this is not feasible for you, feel free to pm me, I will not reveal who you are to anyone.

I voted no. Ears are organs, am I right? I wish doctors know how to give us ears implant.
Well, if I had really really really good health insurance I would get it, but if I didn't have good health insurance I wouldn't get it. Hearing aids and CIs are great for some access to the hearing world, but it ALSO comes along with a VERY high price tag....there's co-pays, batteries, audi appointments, mapping sessions and so on.
I voted no. I'm very much satisfied with my 2 BTE hearing aids. I still do have some residual hearing left in both of my ears. CI is irreversible.. once after the operation - you will hear zilch without ci which is a terrifying thought for me. :Ohno:
EyesBlueDeaf said:
I voted no. I'm very much satisfied with my 2 BTE hearing aids. I still do have some residual hearing left in both of my ears. CI is irreversible.. once after the operation - you will hear zilch without ci which is a terrifying thought for me. :Ohno:

That's right, it is. Also, having a CI is not a sure bet. If it doesn't work, ALL residual hearing is GONE. I personally think it's a gamble...but, are people willing to take that chance? Would I?
Well this is why I had my CI done on my bad ear... I still have residual hearing on my left ear.. The doctor didnt want to touch that, because I still have hearing left on it. But on my right ear it was a different story, I never wore a hearing aid on it, I never use it, so it was really no loss for me. So, I took the chance on my right ear. So either way win or lose I still have hearing on both ears.
i can't vote.. however i had one.. i choose one cuz i want to know what sounds are like.. i could hear with hearing aid back then but not enough.

back in high school times.. i'm very anti-cochlearimplant.. now there i go.. i got one.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
i can't vote.. however i had one.. i choose one cuz i want to know what sounds are like.. i could hear with hearing aid back then but not enough.

back in high school times.. i'm very anti-cochlearimplant.. now there i go.. i got one.


You can vote, don't let anyone tell you that you can't. :)
mld4ds said:

We will have to wait for 25 to 75 years to see if Nanobots can restore any hearing loss....

Resource: Nanobot.info

That's right. No Scar on your Head!!!!!

sorry for going :topic: but this is SO HILARIOUS!!! cuz when i FIRST saw this... the first thing that popped in my head is .... two HORNY ROCKETED sperm swimming towards the UGLY egg!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

scuse me!!! resume your discussion ... don't mind me here!!! :D :angel: :rofl:
Well this is why I had my CI done on my bad ear... I still have residual hearing on my left ear.. The doctor didnt want to touch that, because I still have hearing left on it. But on my right ear it was a different story, I never wore a hearing aid on it, I never use it, so it was really no loss for me.
Oh, I see now!!!!! You had an uneven loss....Nothing wrong with implantation if one of your ears is pretty much dead....I mean two hearing helps are better then just one!
Like Deafscuba, I already have one.

Having said that however, it was only when I had no real option with HAs as my hearing was going that I had to consider a CI. So, yes I would do it in a heartbeat because what the heck "What do I have to lose?" I was just too tied to the hearing world to give it up. The rest is as they say "History".
I have to say I applaud people like you Srssoars......Despite what some people may think I am NOT anti-CI. I just think that the criteria should be a little stricter....There are some people who think long and hard about it, and who do it as an absolute last resort....BUT there also seems to be people who WANT a CI b/c it's the latest TrEnDy up to date technology! No matter that a body worn aid or one of those high frequncy transponder things might do the job just as well.......
I wouldn't vote anything because I already have one from 1985 (channel 1) which is very very very old version of CI... working on me? nah it's not working on me.. I only got CI when i was 5 year old and i stopped using when i was 9 year old too much of headaches and i couldn't stand with headaches so much. I make my own decidson to NOT use CI because I know myself that CI isn't working for my hearing.. I don't care how much i had loss.. i just rather being nature and deaf that way i born and why bother to change my hearing?

I believe somebody can get CI for somebody who had some hearing inside of your system that would work.. not for me.. I born profound deaf... for the exmaple Deafscuba98 got one and it's working on him, he had some little improving with sounds cuz he had some hearing left inside of him.. that way i belived that would something to work.

I wouldn't ever go thru surgery again to get replacement CI.. I just scared for the risky of life and death.

I wouldn't force anybody about having CI or NOT.. again why i would kick my friend out of my friend list cuz they are on CI.. It's has nothing with friendship and CI...
Cheri said:
No, I do not want an Cochlear implant It's not that I'm worried about what others would think of me, or afraid of losing deaf friends. It is just the way I feel. If I am deaf for a reason, Why would I want to change the real me into someone different? It's like cosmetic surgery where people want a "new look" such as Biceps, Triceps and Buttock and breast implant. They turned out to be as ugly as ever. It's like this God gave you what you are, take it or leave it. That's what I believe. I don't care for those who have Cochlear Implant if they are happy with it, then I'm happy for them. :thumb:

:werd: I has the same feeling as you...