If The CC Doesn't Catch Up With The Words Being Said, Do You Turn It Off?


New Member
Apr 26, 2009
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I find with particular programs I will turn off the closed captioning because I'll find that it's being more irritating than helpful. This is usually the case with live shows where the captioning takes about 30 seconds to get what was said. I always will use caption when the caption is right on with the script or close to it. But sometimes I have turned it off!

How about you?
30 seconds? Thats extreme and I call FCC to investigate this. There should be no delays in pre-defined captioned TV programming or 1 or 2 second delay in real-time captioning.

Pretty much acceptance to me but 30 second?
it is very irritating when there is a delay! but no, i don't turn it off otherwise i will miss like 98% of what is being said.
30 seconds? Thats extreme and I call FCC to investigate this. There should be no delays in pre-defined captioned TV programming or 1 or 2 second delay in real-time captioning.

Pretty much acceptance to me but 30 second?

The CC on Jay Leno are rather slow, the delay does bug me. but I am not sure how to put the CC back on so I just leave them on! I have notice words are missspelled some time or the CC said not read what the person said , words are left out.
The CC on Jay Leno are rather slow, the delay does bug me. but I am not sure how to put the CC back on so I just leave them on! I have notice words are missspelled some time or the CC said not read what the person said , words are left out.

Yep, I have noticed that too! :mad:

Edit: Not with the Jay Leno show in particular (I don't watch it), but with other shows.
Try the CC delay ONLINE! Its nuts esp when I was watching the last 2 episodes of Knight Rider 2008. One episode had another episode's CCs switched around. That happened to me last February when I was watching the episodes on NBC Online.

Hulu even screwed the CC pooch on the first episodes of "SouthLand" making it unviewable for me.
I do turn it off if I'm watching a sporting event and it's very badly delayed. I don't need the captions to tell me what's happening with sports. Otherwise I just watch something else if I don't like the captions being behind.
I've never noticed a 30-second delay. A few seconds, yes, especially when it's live. Even some pre-programmed shows are off by a few seconds for some reason occasionally. But I will take what I can get, so delay or not, I still watch it.
Try the CC delay ONLINE! Its nuts esp when I was watching the last 2 episodes of Knight Rider 2008. One episode had another episode's CCs switched around. That happened to me last February when I was watching the episodes on NBC Online.

I was the one that got the Knight Rider 2008 CC issue fixed. I sent them an email blasting them for the the CC lagging and being so out of sync that it's not even funny.

I've also noticed the same issue with my DirecTV DVR. I've noticed that at times, it's WAY behind, as in from the beginning of the show behind when it's already near finishing.
I did not feel like wearing my HA today as it too hot and I was going to watch a movie on chanel 38 and the movie had NO CC! I should had called the station but we were having huge lighting storm and did not want to get zap by lighting! I wonder if it would help me hear better!
Yes, if there is a slight delay then its unwatchable. I change the channel.

Local News Shows are the most ridiculous. I never watch the news on tv because of this. So I get all my news online and the newspaper.
I've always felt closed captioning is too elementary for me. but it have to be to catch up with conversation.. I rather read transcripts than closed captioning.