If all women are lesbians


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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What happen if all women are lesbians and
all men are gay?

Would life be so much better?

I think it would be so much better because....

1. Lesbian Marriage will last long TIME.... less divorce, no cheating or adultry

2. We can pick sperm from the sperm bank. Blue Eyes or Brown Eyes

3. Lesbians don't have to worry about Sexually Transmitted Disease.

4. No more welfare, we all women will WORK and make MONEY
and not rely on dead beat DAD.

5. Don't have to worry about having the toliet seat up or down.
And no pee stain on the toliet seat.

6. Don't have to take HomeMake Class, no more Martha Stewart.

7. We will have Female President of the USA.... Good news for Jane Fernandres.

8. No more war

9. Men can have "ALL THEY CAN SEX" with each other 24 hours a day and
everyday. And that way we don't have to say, "Honey, not tonight,
I have a headache".

10. No job competion, all women will have jobs. Give men foodstamp.

11. No more makeup and high heel shoes and dresses

12. No more playboys... Pamela Lee will be Secretary of State.

13. Everybody will be happy. And we can have OUR WAY all the time.

14. We women can pay more attention to children and babies,
not worry about men get jealous and want attention.

15. And we can raise children any way we want....

So You are thinking about becoming a lesbian... you had no experience... all negatives.... how about getting more positive attitudes.... Empress....
Well after all the Gays and Lesbians get their rights and Benefits and
stuff with Gay Marriage legally in USA, yeah

I'll get me a WIFE.... and we will be laughing all the way to the Sperm Bank.

1. Lesbian Marriage will last long TIME.... less divorce, no cheating or adultry
Where does it say that lesbian marriage lasts longer than straight marriage? Lesbians have the same problems as straights. I have a lesbian friend who cheated with many other lesbians.
2. We can pick sperm from the sperm bank. Blue Eyes or Brown Eyes
Umm... straight people can do that as well.
3. Lesbians don't have to worry about Sexually Transmitted Disease.
Lesbians are still at risk of STDs. If one lesbian has a STD, she can pass it on to another lesbian.
4. No more welfare, we all women will WORK and make MONEY and not rely on dead beat DAD.
All straight women have the same opportunity to work as well. Let's not forget, instead of a deadbeat dad... there's also deadbeat moms.
5. Don't have to worry about having the toliet seat up or down. And no pee stain on the toliet seat.
Oh yeah, I forgot... some women leave disgusting used tampons laying around the place. Some women even piss while standing up. So, they still leave a mess on the toilet seats.
6. Don't have to take HomeMake Class, no more Martha Stewart.
What does this have to do with being a lesbian?
7. We will have Female President of the USA.... Good news for Jane Fernandres.
If we have only women, then the human race will cease to exist due to lack of sperms. On the other hand, if you do include gays... then we will still have a chance to another male president.
8. No more war
I've seen lesbians fight. So, we'll still have war.
9. Men can have "ALL THEY CAN SEX" with each other 24 hours a day and everyday. And that way we don't have to say, "Honey, not tonight, I have a headache".
There are still men who say, "Honey, I have a headache."
10. No job competion, all women will have jobs. Give men foodstamp.
Eh? The opportunity for a job is the same for both men and women. Both men and women also use food stamps as well.
11. No more makeup and high heel shoes and dresses
Yes, lesbians will still wear make-up and high heeled shoes to impress or look attractive to other lesbians.
12. No more playboys... Pamela Lee will be Secretary of State.
Why no more Playboys? Playboys have nude female models. That's something women will like. I've seen gay men look at Playgirls. Saying that there will be no more Playboys for lesbians is like saying no more Playgirls for gays.
13. Everybody will be happy. And we can have OUR WAY all the time.
Nope. Not everyone will have their way. That's life... lesbian, gay, or straight.
14. We women can pay more attention to children and babies, not worry about men get jealous and want attention.
I've seen lesbian couples complain because one is giving the kids more attention than the other. Therefore, the problem will always be there.
15. And we can raise children any way we want....
We've always raised children any way we want... straight or gay or lesbian.
Where does it say that lesbian marriage lasts longer than straight marriage? Lesbians have the same problems as straights. I have a lesbian friend who cheated with many other lesbians.Umm... straight people can do that as well.Lesbians are still at risk of STDs. If one lesbian has a STD, she can pass it on to another lesbian.All straight women have the same opportunity to work as well. Let's not forget, instead of a deadbeat dad... there's also deadbeat moms.Oh yeah, I forgot... some women leave disgusting used tampons laying around the place. Some women even piss while standing up. So, they still leave a mess on the toilet seats.What does this have to do with being a lesbian?If we have only women, then the human race will cease to exist due to lack of sperms. On the other hand, if you do include gays... then we will still have a chance to another male president.I've seen lesbians fight. So, we'll still have war.There are still men who say, "Honey, I have a headache."Eh? The opportunity for a job is the same for both men and women. Both men and women also use food stamps as well.Yes, lesbians will still wear make-up and high heeled shoes to impress or look attractive to other lesbians.Why no more Playboys? Playboys have nude female models. That's something women will like. I've seen gay men look at Playgirls. Saying that there will be no more Playboys for lesbians is like saying no more Playgirls for gays.Nope. Not everyone will have their way. That's life... lesbian, gay, or straight.I've seen lesbian couples complain because one is giving the kids more attention than the other. Therefore, the problem will always be there.We've always raised children any way we want... straight or gay or lesbian.

>>>Oh yeah, I forgot... some women leave disgusting used tampons laying around the place. Some women even piss while standing up. So, they still leave a mess on the toilet seats.>>>>

I don't know why some women leave disgusting used tampons laying around
the place...
I can see why men are gay...

But where can we put the tampon and bloody pads, we can't
flush it down the toliet....
And I hate tampons...
and I hate to have to put pad in newspaper and wrap it up
and threw it away outside in the trash every 30 or hour...

Is there some easy way maybe invent Pads and tampon as Toliet Flushable.

Can they invent toliets that will allow Pads and Tampons to go down
the sewage....???

We women are frustrated with this, too... There is no easy way
for us...
I hate being on my period every month... I hate it.... it is very
depressing and very messy... and very disgusting.
That could be why women have PMS....

I don't know why GOD want us to bleed like that... it is awful
and I don't understand why we have to do that...
I think it is stupid to bleed every month... and we women
only have babies 2 or 3 times average....

It must be the food we eat or the lack of vitamin, I don't know
why... it seems like the Scientists can figure out what
we need to do to make period bleed non heavy....

I don't know any solution...

Old women are so happy that they no longer have period....

I have to agree with Empress about the tampon issue. It sucks!!!
The Empress have funny humor sense...
Why you bring whining all the time...
keep up your whining all the rest of case...

I'm very happy and enjoy reading yours... :rofl:
FYI to all: you can't become a lesbian, its not like taking your drivers license test. Empress, please order yourself some pamphlets on the following subjects; safe sex, HIV, how humans actually have sex. If you think lesbians are not able to 'bang' you've got some delusions...
:laugh2: :laugh2:

This is like the "Jerry Springer show". *putting hands up in the air shouting* (Jerry!, Jerry! Jerry!!)
hahhaha cheri try yelling steve steve steve lol lol when they try to break up the fight LOL

:laugh2: :laugh2:

This is like the "Jerry Springer show". *putting hands up in the air shouting* (Jerry!, Jerry! Jerry!!)

hahaha... instead of yelling 'jerry jerry' Lets yell 'EMPRESS...EMPRESS...EMSPRESS'
Some of your statements are demeaning to the gay community. You make it sound as if the lesbian community is so much better than the gay community because all gay people do is spread diseases, have affairs, etc... I know of some lesbians who are just as guilty of that, and I know of quite a few gay couples who have been together faithfully for many years.