I want to ADOPT CAT or DOG


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
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I want to adopt cat or dog....

Who can give me a cat or dog ???? :shock::shock:
My puppy is not for sale. He is officially MINE as always.. he is unique and perky!! :laugh2:
Sorry I don't have any pets, but I do spend time with animals at vet clinic.

Try the Animal shelters, those animals really needs a good home. :)
if you're serious....whatever you're going to do make sure of these things:
<or for anyone considering a pet>

LEARN all about the type or breed or dog or cat you're interested in and if that would MATCH your lifestyle and your personality. Don't think about how you could change for the pet or what you'd do in some fantasy - think about how things REALLY are for you, right now.

Do consider: pet rescue/shelter/humane society and REPUTABLE, experienced breeders whose main goal is health and temperament, not making a profit or because they wanted to "try it just once".
Do NOT!! adopt from: pet shop, neighbor, "person down the street", anyone selling dogs or cats in parking lots, out of cars, or at street fairs or rummage sales.

be prepared to train, work with and learn about the pet for the pet's WHOLE life, not just 6 months or a year.

be prepared to spend more money that you planned for.

ask the people you're getting the pet from WHY they they are doing this, HOW they got involved and what they expect from you. Reputable people will expect you to ask many questions and will expect you to take alot of time with them and with the decision. They will take the pet back as a last resort if you have a life situation where you have no other option left but to return the pet.

They should ask you a LOT of questions. It should NOT be easy or quick to buy a cat or dog. If it is, beware! "free to good home" often means they just want to get rid of the animal quickly and they have no real concern about what they're doing or the long-term health of the animal.
oh, :ty: Botti

am glad you gave that link <deaf dog friendly...> we have a local person here who is specifically connected with deaf dog rescue and I've talked to her about a little about training.
just like with black dogs, or certain types or breeds of dogs, people have misperceptions and stereotypes about deaf dogs, too!
if you're serious....whatever you're going to do make sure of these things:
<or for anyone considering a pet>

LEARN all about the type or breed or dog or cat you're interested in and if that would MATCH your lifestyle and your personality. Don't think about how you could change for the pet or what you'd do in some fantasy - think about how things REALLY are for you, right now.

Do consider: pet rescue/shelter/humane society and REPUTABLE, experienced breeders whose main goal is health and temperament, not making a profit or because they wanted to "try it just once".
Do NOT!! adopt from: pet shop, neighbor, "person down the street", anyone selling dogs or cats in parking lots, out of cars, or at street fairs or rummage sales.

be prepared to train, work with and learn about the pet for the pet's WHOLE life, not just 6 months or a year.

be prepared to spend more money that you planned for.

ask the people you're getting the pet from WHY they they are doing this, HOW they got involved and what they expect from you. Reputable people will expect you to ask many questions and will expect you to take alot of time with them and with the decision. They will take the pet back as a last resort if you have a life situation where you have no other option left but to return the pet.

They should ask you a LOT of questions. It should NOT be easy or quick to buy a cat or dog. If it is, beware! "free to good home" often means they just want to get rid of the animal quickly and they have no real concern about what they're doing or the long-term health of the animal.

she should think about how much she want to spend on having a dog groom . A poodle need a lot of grooming and that cost money! I know I have one! If she does get a puppy that will need go to the groomer a lot the puppy should brush all over it whole body and puppy legs and paws should be touch a lot to get it use to be handle. . My poodle legs were not groomed for 3 months when I got him as hearing dog! As he had hated to have his legs touch and the person grooming him let him get away with it! My dog will not let you touch his legs!. And when he does get groom he put up a fight and end up getting hurt as he now an old dog . It really does help play and touch your new puppy a lot so you will be check it over for ticks or cuts when it get to be bigger. I would check the my puppy month out too so it knew it better not try to bite when I had to give it a pill.