I the who?-oh!


New Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Why is it always that a public greeting of my own self manage to feel like I'm on a stage with lovely bright glaring spotlights shining upon my entrance? :P

Never the less :wave:

I'm a fellow country boy from the yonder West trapped in the frozen waste called Minnesota that goes by the name of Nick or Nicky (for those lasses that loves to rub it into my face...) or Nickle Pickle or online name of Wolf.

I've been quite curious on where on this internet "Planet" would Deaf folks gather so I could be among my own kinds and hopefully find some that's all up for some adventures in life be it online or in person which has brought me here to this forum and I'm going to give it a whirl!

Just to make things more interesting, lets play "21 questions" related to who I am and I'll answer any of them.

I'll help you along:

Have you kissed a Dolphin before?
I sure have! Right on the lip (no picture :cry:) and on my cheek!


Feel free to ask anything, I'm all eyes!
Hello. Do you live in Minneapolis? Are you deaf from birth?
I indeed live a little bit outside of Minneapolis.

And I've been deaf since 18 months old from Scarlet fever which ironically they found the vaccine a few or so months after I had the Scarlet fever. It was the nurses that saved me after the doctor thought it was just some cold. The doctor became convinced I had something going on when he came to see the nurses dunking me into a tub of iced water while looking beet red from high fever.

Needless to say, my father was pissed off at the doctor at the time of course.

And howdy to you too, Bottesini.
I would be very happy with a turbocharged HEMI engine within a Longhorn Dodge Ram truck. But then again, I would probably will have to sell my left kidney and half my liver for such a prize.
:wave:...welcome aboard. have enjoyed the pixs you have posted.

I love making people think so I'm glad you're enjoying them.

Don't be afraid to ask anything. The harder the questions, the better and more interesting it would be. (At least it would be to me. :lol:)
:wave:OldeWolfe, what is your view on the nature of time?

All depends on what you wish to know. Do you want it in a scientific fashion? Do you want it in a psychological perspective? Or would you want it as an experience of growing older and realizing that we're all growing into old farts and that the old timers were right?

What would you like?
Well, it is/was the week-end and that's the pattern here, generally speaking....
Who's ur favorite person?

My father, whom has passed away about 3 months ago (already?....) and I think the world of him, his thousands of lessons engrained within me, waiting for moments and opportunities to come out and save my day.

My very last picture of him, about 1 week before he died.

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I am sorry about your father passing. Both of my parents had passed away years ago. It is hard when it is time for them to pass when they get sick or get on with aging. :(

Question: Did you go to mainstream school (with or without ASL) or attended Deaf school?

I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
I cannot Imagine losing either of my parents, but I know it will happen as they are both having more and more health problems and many of their friends are passing away. So sorry you had to experience this already (And everyone else who has lost someone {{{{bighugs}}}} tear). You have a friend here oldewolf. xxxx JM
:wave:OldeWolf, great pictures! I'm also sorry about your dad.
I'm an only child and my dad is elderly though physically well. But I think about this, too. :ty: for sharing pci. of your dad:aw:

When I was about 11 I went with some family friends to an aquarium in my area at that time. It was later closed for safety and other violations but like you I got to meet two dolphins who were in there. We didn't go in the water but there's a picture we have of me and a boy who was the son of my parents adult friends who came with us - the two of us kids kneeling on the ledge of the pool with the dolphins bobbing out of the water with us -similar to your photo. We put our arms around their "snout" and they "kissed " us and blew water on us and we got to feed them.

as far as time....
do you think it's circular?