I need your help

Amazing, Lily'sDad - We all need more people like you with the compassion to help other people.

As a mother of a deaf and autistic son, I have to say you are making a big difference in that girl's life by just being there for her and understanding what she needs even though you didn't know alot of what was needed to be done.

Have you tried introducing a picture exchange system (If you don't know what it is, It is a flash card that has pictures in it and it helps the child point out which picture they are talking about, so and on) as well? It might be helpful too to break down the communication barrier. Also share that with the class in order to make her feel a little bit comfortable around other students and the teachers.
I know this is a bit off topic but here's something for those of you who have autistic children or those of you who know others that do: I was told by a friend today at lunch that some years ago, the incidence of autism was one in 10, 000 but today it is something like 1 in 125. Sounds almost pandemic, doesn't it? Although it hasn't been absolutely proven but they think the reason for this is the mercury they put into meds for increased shelf life. Congress, suggested the removal of this mercury and the new version is just now on the market. I suppose it will take a while to look at the numbers again to see if there's any change in the incidince rate.
Tousi, That is interesting. If true, it really wouldnt suprise me.
DD and Jolie, I do not know what an IE is, and I am not firmiliar with the flash cards you discussed. Please explain them, and why the flashcards will help.
Remember, I work in a school, but I am definately not a teacher. I am a cop/ father of deaf daughter that works in a middel school. I am totally open to anything that will help this girl.

I have no knowledge of hearing impairment, but both my two autistic sons use the TEACCH method in their special education classes.
Hopefully this might provide some materials for you to utilize - they are aligned to the mainstream classes. Sorry it's 'cut and paste' but I'm not very computer savvy yet. Best wishes
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the cards are simply a picture of something glued/taped/whatever to a card, similar to say, mathematical flash cards, only it may have a picture of a car on it. You show the student the card with a picture of something, to associate the word/sign/whatever etc.

in this case, you would be using is kinda backwards, as she would be teaching YOU guys the signs she is using, but its used in language building for her as well.

i work with MR Deaf autistic kids everyday. I will tell you the 1 thing that will make your and everyone else's life a million times better. Set up a routine for this girl, and don't change it. If she goes to lunch at a specific time, make sure she goes. If she typically gets a reward for doing something, make sure you give her that reward. they are not able to understand why something is different, and a routine makes them feel safe. try and be as visual as possible in her routine, make a list and post it, use words and pictures so she can know and see what her routine is.

Also, sounded like in your posts, that this girl doesn't activly communicate, only when spoken to. this isn't nessecarily an indicator that she has low language skills. I have one student who signs giberish 90% of the time, but i can stand there and sign several sentences, give him a list of things to do, and it will understand me. His receptive ability is outstanding, but his expressive is almost non-existant, he generally nods yes or no and thats the extent of it. The only way to know this girls functioning level is to talk to the school she came from(i know i know), or spending time with her and getting to know her.

also, set up a calendar in the classroom, and make it her responsibility to mark off the days every morning when she comes in, see if she likes that. Autistic kids tend to like numbers, dates, they get hung up on specific words and obsess bout it.

my kids are all high school age, so younger kids may be different, but thats my expierence, hope it helps
any austic child need to be on one to one basis teaching before joining into bigger classroom... get help for her.... i had worked with deaf austic children.. they are very smart... lots of works.. it does pay when they finally get it....
any austic child need to be on one to one basis teaching before joining into bigger classroom... get help for her.... i had worked with deaf austic children.. they are very smart... lots of works.. it does pay when they finally get it....

Yeah, autistic kids often test high on standardized IQ test.