I need/want a boyfriend

*Lying back* rub my tummy! woof cute woof!

iamcute said:
none of you guys remember being 16 and desperate to have a boyfriend???... i was more desperate then than i am now... i was boy crazy. i loved them to bits b/c it's a lot of fun to have one. and it's always a good learning experience... i call it puppy love... life as a teenager can be so dramatic... i couldn't go a single day without having a bf back then, i was about to dieee!! (see my point?) i was sooo desparate i was in a date auction at school and i went on blind-dates... yada yada yada blah blah blah
I agree... I don't fall for minors- thats why I refuse guys asked me for date when I was at Simley High because I was in early 20's and I don't want to get in trouble- Same thing as online chat, sometimes young men IM me, ones that are like 13 to 18, so I had to block them, and moved my yahoo profile to Adult profile so no minors can get access to my yahoo profile. I am not some pevert sick looking for a minor. no thanks.... I remember when I was at Simley, there was a guy who was I think 17 or 18 tried to ask one of my friend's 9 years old sister out, lucky she refused. Sad thing is that there are plenty of sick people out there in the world- no offense. Maybe some of you remember I posted a thread on a teacher from my old high school got busted for chatting with a 14 years old boy who was actually a undercover cop. That is other reason I don't want to be a bait either. Only minors I am talking are to my brother, nephews, some of friends of mine online... Ones that I can really trust.
Are you trying to tell me I never been at 16 yrs old? come on! All adults been in their 16 years old and all of them know what it is like. It (bait) can be either with intention or unintention. Either way, and that is not appropriate anyway. I have been there, seen, heard enough. The problem is this person didn't mention that she's 16 years old in the first place! That is very inappropriate, and can endanger herself and other innocent people. I had to figure out the hint and had to post them what I think she is. Throwing an adult in jail for a long time, felony in record, mandatory lifetime membership of sex offender registry, legal expenses, etc. All are NOT FUNNY THING to deal with and something to to take lightly.

I do know the feeling of need/want B/G F. Even at my 40 yrs old, I would still want have one anyway. Whats most important thing here is that we need NOT to hide something in order to gain something inappropriately.

iamcute said:
Of course i understand!!!.. oh my goodness why wouldn't i?... ok, if she had any intention of baiting an adult, why would she even say she's 16 in the first place?... woultn't it be more convenient if she lied about her age?... that could easily be done in a public forum... plus, if the adult knew she was 16 wouldn't that be his/her fault that he/she responded to begin with. ok... so i don't think we are even in the right place to speculate that she's trying to bait anyone. even if she is... why would anyone in the right mind be afraid of her, and fall for her trap?... so why fear?

i think the real safety concern here is having this 16 year old being targeted by child molesters out there... whenever you try to meet people online, there's always going to be that risk, even when you try to meet people in real life, you still face risks. But yes, there are ways to lessen those risks.. especially if she's a smart girl.

i left out this little detail not b/c i wasn't concerned, or i am ignorant about online offenders... it's b/c peole just need to lighten up a bit... just cheering up the forum... just sharing my experiences as teenage girl and my desperation for a boyfriend... yes, i know. we don't make the wisest decision... do i think it's right for her to go online and find boyfriends?... well no, b/c of the safety issues, especialy if you're parents don't know about it... so to make my message clear... it's ok to be desperate for a bf, but make sure you are aware of risks, you may just attract the wrong people. but that doens't that apply with everyone?.... :)
diehardbiker65 said:
Are you trying to tell me I never been at 16 yrs old? come on! All adults been in their 16 years old and all of them know what it is like. It (bait) can be either with intention or unintention. Either way, and that is not appropriate anyway. I have been there, seen, heard enough. The problem is this person didn't mention that she's 16 years old in the first place! That is very inappropriate, and can endanger herself and other innocent people. I had to figure out the hint and had to post them what I think she is. Throwing an adult in jail for a long time, felony in record, mandatory lifetime membership of sex offender registry, legal expenses, etc. All are NOT FUNNY THING to deal with and something to to take lightly.

I do know the feeling of need/want B/G F. Even at my 40 yrs old, I would still want have one anyway. Whats most important thing here is that we need NOT to hide something in order to gain something inappropriately.

ok.. why are you feeling so agitated?... i never told you you've never been 16.. i said do you remember?... yes, i understand she didn't mention she's 16, but she never hid that fact. just b/c she didn't state it in her post, doesn't mean you can't look at her profile. and her profile said, she's 16. so stay away.... it's a nice gesture of you to let everyone else know that... and concerned for everyone else's position... but i think you are misunderstanding what i am trying to say. i never said it's OK for young girls to temp adult people and get them thrown in jail... nor old men/women hitting on young girls/boys... and no this is something that i don't take lightly... did i say that in my post, if i did... break it down for me...

my post is simply about being young and that feeling of desperation of having a boyfriend/girlfriend... and it's ok to feel that way, and it's ok to look for love, and getting your heart broken, cuz that's life.

it's nothing but a light-hearted post... that's all it is. sorry if i offended you with that.

If you want a boyfriend, you should wait. If you're a lovely girl you should have no problem getting one soon or later. I suggest that you wait til college (that's what some of the guys here agree on) CYA
Sounds like your desperate to have a boyfriend right at the moment. It will all come to you one of these days... God has a plan for everyone. Take your time and enjoy what you have