I need/want a boyfriend

first, i hope u will use this forum for more than just a personal dating service. second, im taken.
2nd of all. email exposure is not a good idea use PM system

welcome to AD and sorry im very taken!
Is there a reason why you NEED a boyfriend? How about just let fate take you whereever and you'll meet a guy one of these days? if you're that desperate to look for a boyfriend.. it may not always work that way..
RebelGirl said:
Is there a reason why you NEED a boyfriend? How about just let fate take you whereever and you'll meet a guy one of these days? if you're that desperate to look for a boyfriend.. it may not always work that way..

I agree with you cuz it didnt works with me and now I am free as a bird. The last bf I had was back in Jan and I havent look for anybody since then. Cuz I didnt want to get into it just yet. I am focus on something else right now.
Hey! I think your 16 yrs old, and why the rush into finding boyfriend? Rush leads to what? D*I*S*A*S*T*E*R! Nobody needs disaster in the end of relationship! My suggest, just wait and go to college and Im sure you would find nice guys there than what your around with.

when your not looking , love will find you

it always happens...
RebelGirl said:
Is there a reason why you NEED a boyfriend? How about just let fate take you whereever and you'll meet a guy one of these days? if you're that desperate to look for a boyfriend.. it may not always work that way..

:gpost: Very wise answer! Rebelgirl said it all, Let love come to you, go out and meet a few gentlemen and get to know them before jumping into a quick relationship cuz that can lead to ending zone. You need to date a few to find that certain person who appreciates you, Don't rush because it sounds like you too desperate just like Rebelgirl just stated. I learned that. Ha ha! That's why I've been on the roads in and out of love with a lot of guys in relationship, If I just stood back and let love come to me then maybe I'll find that special person just one day, I'm hoping before I reach 50. LOL!

Anyway Girl, Just take your time finding your true love, and soul mate so that way you would not get a broken heart, cuz honestly having broken heart is no picnic.
If she's 16. Then I can speculate as to why she's desperate for a boyfriend.

Look at the number in her handle... 89, what do you think it might be? I think its a telltale hint!

Peer pressure? That is likely, or that she's having trouble loving herself. Needs love to fill up the hole. It is not always wise to depend on others to fill the voids.

RebelGirl said:
she's 16?
javapride said:
2nd of all. email exposure is not a good idea use PM system

welcome to AD and sorry im very taken!
email is nothing!

Better than full house/apt address.

I am sure she is fake person.
Miss-Delectable said:
If she's 16. Then I can speculate as to why she's desperate for a boyfriend.



The two words should be " hormone rush "

none of you guys remember being 16 and desperate to have a boyfriend???... i was more desperate then than i am now... i was boy crazy. i loved them to bits b/c it's a lot of fun to have one. and it's always a good learning experience... i call it puppy love... life as a teenager can be so dramatic... i couldn't go a single day without having a bf back then, i was about to dieee!! (see my point?) i was sooo desparate i was in a date auction at school and i went on blind-dates...

but now, things are a little different b/c i am older, it's not just about having a "boyfriend" anymore, it's about commitment and responsibilities....trying to keep that love alive, finding someone to be married to, and spend the rest of your life with, take care of you...

c'mon guys, lighten up... she's looking for a boyfriend, someone to talk to in a different level than just "friends", kiss, and of course, brag about...she's 16, what do you expect.. i was just like her.

don't get me wrong... I agree with most of you guys, getting you're heart broken is not fun, i have had my heart broken, but it's part of life, it will happen, you can't avoid it. the chances of breaking your heart from looking for love, and waiting for love, to me is the same, b/c love is love. it really depends on the person that you find, or the person that finds you.

also, to me, if you go on waiting for love to come to find you, someone has to be out there looking for you, no?... otherwise, how else would they find you if they were waiting as well?

she's not looking for marriage. so it's ok... if it develops to real love later on, well, good luck making it work after she hits college!

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I think you don't get what everybody's concern! We all do NOT want to get caught with law, and having law thinking we are trying to do something with minors! Don't you notice alot of news going on about adult having sex with minors and getting busted... Sometimes misunderstand CAN happen, and that is what most adults are afraid of!

I have nothing against teenager wanting to have relationship... BUT I do object teenager trying to bait adult into legal trouble. It already happened here in my hometown!!! One deaf guy who is Physical Education at deaf school got caught by cops with 15 years old girl because he had an inappropriate relationship with her, and that deaf guy now face criminal charge and can have felony for the rest of life! Also possible be required to register as sex offender EVEN there was no sexual contact exists!!! Both the minor and PE instructor knew each other from deaf school! Its in the news about a month ago.


iamcute said:
none of you guys remember being 16 and desperate to have a boyfriend???... i was more desperate then than i am now... i was boy crazy. i loved them to bits b/c it's a lot of fun to have one. and it's always a good learning experience... i call it puppy love... life as a teenager can be so dramatic... i couldn't go a single day without having a bf back then, i was about to dieee!! (see my point?) i was sooo desparate i was in a date auction at school and i went on blind-dates...

but now, things are a little different b/c i am older, it's not just about having a "boyfriend" anymore, it's about commitment and responsibilities....trying to keep that love alive, finding someone to be married to, and spend the rest of your life with, take care of you...

c'mon guys, lighten up... she's looking for a boyfriend, someone to talk to in a different level than just "friends", kiss, and of course, brag about...she's 16, what do you expect.. i was just like her.

don't get me wrong... I agree with most of you guys, getting you're heart broken is not fun, i have had my heart broken, but it's part of life, it will happen, you can't avoid it. the chances of breaking your heart from looking for love, and waiting for love, to me is the same, b/c love is love. it really depends on the person that you find, or the person that finds you.

also, to me, if you go on waiting for love to come to find you, someone has to be out there looking for you, no?... otherwise, how else would they find you if they were waiting as well?

she's not looking for marriage. so it's ok... if it develops to real love later on, well, good luck making it work after she hits college!

diehardbiker65 said:
I think you don't get what everybody's concern! We all do NOT want to get caught with law, and having law thinking we are trying to do something with minors! Don't you notice alot of news going on about adult having sex with minors and getting busted... Sometimes misunderstand CAN happen, and that is what most adults are afraid of!

I have nothing against teenager wanting to have relationship... BUT I do object teenager trying to bait adult into legal trouble. It already happened here in my hometown!!! One deaf guy who is Physical Education at deaf school got caught by cops with 15 years old girl because he had an inappropriate relationship with her, and that deaf guy now face criminal charge and can have felony for the rest of life! Also possible be required to register as sex offender EVEN there was no sexual contact exists!!! Both the minor and PE instructor knew each other from deaf school! Its in the news about a month ago.


Of course i understand!!!.. oh my goodness why wouldn't i?... ok, if she had any intention of baiting an adult, why would she even say she's 16 in the first place?... woultn't it be more convenient if she lied about her age?... that could easily be done in a public forum... plus, if the adult knew she was 16 wouldn't that be his/her fault that he/she responded to begin with. ok... so i don't think we are even in the right place to speculate that she's trying to bait anyone. even if she is... why would anyone in the right mind be afraid of her, and fall for her trap?... so why fear?

i think the real safety concern here is having this 16 year old being targeted by child molesters out there... whenever you try to meet people online, there's always going to be that risk, even when you try to meet people in real life, you still face risks. But yes, there are ways to lessen those risks.. especially if she's a smart girl.

i left out this little detail not b/c i wasn't concerned, or i am ignorant about online offenders... it's b/c peole just need to lighten up a bit... just cheering up the forum... just sharing my experiences as teenage girl and my desperation for a boyfriend... yes, i know. we don't make the wisest decision... do i think it's right for her to go online and find boyfriends?... well no, b/c of the safety issues, especialy if you're parents don't know about it... so to make my message clear... it's ok to be desperate for a bf, but make sure you are aware of risks, you may just attract the wrong people. but that doens't that apply with everyone?.... :)
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