I need to VENT!

Keep neutral ....

We are not doing here for favoruism but give some tips and advices what we can...

We are doing here to bring them peace and sort out.... It´s child, we all should think about.
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ohh yes i caughted about this so do you think how i feel and find this reading.. so i had another forum to realized how i been hurt and stabbed.
well, Sorry to say this..

Good thing we know cuz we dont want take sides.. or hear two different stories.. so .. no favorism.. just give advices..
MsGiglz said:
well, Sorry to say this..

Good thing we know cuz we dont want take sides.. or hear two different stories.. so .. no favorism.. just give advices..
yea how true!!! i agree with u...
MsGiglz said:
well, Sorry to say this..

Good thing we know cuz we dont want take sides.. or hear two different stories.. so .. no favorism.. just give advices..

yea MsGiglz -- exactly what i had said in the other thread :roll:
CoolieFroggie said:
ohh yes i caughted about this so do you think how i feel and find this reading.. so i had another forum to realized how i been hurt and stabbed.

No, it has absolulately nothing do with backstabbing but vent...

Deafsuba need his vent as you, too on your own thread. I thought I give you the advise and tip like what I give Deafsuba here. We take nobody´s side but advice and tips.

It look like you create your thread to make a revenage against Deafsuba. ??? I hope I am wrong. If I am wrong, then apogolise and forgive me please.
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Liebling:-))) said:
No, it has absolulately nothing do with backstabbing but vent...

i agree Liebling -- nobody knew what her name was or anything and it was a vent pure and simple not a "backstabbing" if a backstabbing had occurred the NAME would have been mentioned -- i have seen NO names just "ex-wife" -- there are SO MANY divorced couples out there how would we know who is divorced from whom if person only said "ex-wife" or "ex-hubby"

so in this -- i gotta agree with Liebling, CoolieFroggie -- cuz i do not see it as a "backstabbing" issue -- i sure as hell NEVER knew u were his ex-wife til it became a big issue in this and another thread -- it may be possible that some people are taking it out of context which is purely why i am not going to post my vents in here on AD cuz there may be some people who would just jump ahead of themselves without really considering several things

if i wanted to post my vents i would do it on other forums where there are actually security precautions in place -- password protected or some other level type of protection and know that those who have read my vents would know it was not purely out of backstabbing issue but a VENT
:Oops: :Oops: You better watch out, everyone now know who you are with, who you went with, who you break up with, who you married to, and who you divorce from. It's not easy to keep quiet.

DeafScuba, I am sorry, and wish I can help you, but I have never had that kind of experiences. I do have a son who is in the same age with your son.
Everyone seem to forget who the real victim here is....it is the CHILD.

Please be a mature parent and find a much more appropriate method to sort this out, not looking for sides or being a victim. Children need role models.

Not taking any side here...I only care about the kid, period.
Meg -- that was what i had pointed out in another thread that has since been removed :roll:
after reading this and hearing about it via cyberspace, the child is the main focus and i for one hope there is resoultions, amdist all this. think of the kid first! we're not taking sides but tihnking of the child. seriously do not bash anyone in here. cuz we all were being friends gihving out advices but ofc keeping the line drawn knowning its bwtn u and ur ex and the CHILD right now is in a confused state of mind not knowing what is going on. be supportive to ur son , handle the Childsupport elsewhere where he won't see the fightings. cuz it can impact the poor little dude.
CoolieFroggie and deafscuba, you both need to work something out.. be adult. If you two do.. then you both will have a good term without going back to the court.

Your child is number one, you both should think about.

Shame, that other thread were being removed. We give our suggestion/tips what we can because it´s child we care about.

Please remember that your child are an innocent that his parents didn´t get on well each other then go court again for fighting etc etc which it´s no good.

I would recommend you do like what eternity said.
Yea, be an adult, focus on the child, not Mom or Dad.. Look at the child or children.. A child or children deserve to have a real mom and a real dad. Mom and Dad need to work what are the BEST for your child or children. If one of them have a job, have money, has a house, yard, focus on child or children 100%, home all the time, spending time with child or children like raking the yard, hopping around the house, bike riding, a child or children should be growing up and live in this kind of place and activities... Mom and Dad need to get involve to their child or children's activities like reading them a book, take them out to ball game, take them to park, etc. Who has the best interest of your child or children? Your child or children need to understand that your child or children are being love by Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad shouldn't be fighting, they need to be friends, cause you both brought a child or children up to the world, they should be deal with the rights for your child or children. You cannot hate your child/ren's father and you cannot hate your child/ren's mother. It's your child or children's role model to look up when they grow up. I am pretty sure, Sean will look up on his father, cause for many way he has done everything for him, he feed him, he dress him, he teach him, he take him to doctor. And where's the mom? Mom should be taking care of him, watch him, help him grow up, and so on. Mom should be involve in Sean's life as mother. Dad should be involve in Sean's life as father. I cannot imagine myself as the mom leaving my son behind with his father. I carried him 9 months, and I bore him, and I was up with him for night feeding time, and so on. I cannot imagine leaving my kid or kids.

I understand if Mom and Dad have something that doesn't agree each other, and they need to work on something to deal with THIS child or children, not you or you. Look at the CHILD! Look at the CHILDREN!


I hope I am not being rude or anything. I am telling you, DeafScuba and CoolieFroggie, it is something you two need to work on something to deal with the best interest your child Sean. If you two can't, Sean will grow up a miserable life cause his parents are fighting over him and he will think it's all his fault, but you two got to tell him that everything are NOT his fault.

My biological sister and I were the children of divorce, and my biological parents fought over who get the custody of me and my sister, and my mom won the custody, cause my mom was there for me and my sister all the time, and my biological father was working overtime, hardly never come home, and never done anything to support us in child supports, and my mom divorced him. Now my mom remarried to a really nice guy who became my stepfather, and he actually "adopted" not legal, me and my sister, and he was there for me and my sister no matter what. I was on softball team, who watched me play, my mom and stepdad, and my real father was no show. He paid me to college, he brought me a car, he paid for clothes, and everything. That is what child or children should have this kind of parents to look over to their children. I gave birth, my mom and stepdad were there, and my mom called my real father to let him know that I had the baby, and he never bother to send me a flowers, card or call or visit, so I "estranged" from him (no longer to see him or hear from him) since.

You don't want that, DeafScuba/Cooliefroggie.. Better to discuss in person, and work out the plans and Sean will understand. It will work out if you two can try. Don't be afraid.. You are the father and You are the mother.

Good Luck...
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