I need information for a college test I am taking


New Member
Nov 15, 2008
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Good Morning All - I am hearing. I am 53-years-old, going to college for the first time in my life. I am in my second semester. ASL 2 and Foundations of Deafness. I have an exam/assignment that is due on Monday. I am to interview d/Deaf and/or HOH people but have been unable to communicate with someone regarding the following questions:
1) If you were the "expert" in providing a plan of action (schooling, communication, etc.) for a parent with a deaf child, what would it be?

2) Secondly, I need to hear from d/Deaf students who attended residential schools and/or were mainstreamed. I would love to here your likes and disklikes, what type of method of education was used (oral, signed, etc). What your suggestions to parents of deaf children would be and way. What do you think will be the future for d/Deaf education in the future?

3) Lastly, are there any teachers of the Deaf that can tell me their particular challenges and/or benefitis of any particular educational placement?

I know this is a lot of information - but any bits and pieces anybody would like to offer would be greatly appreciated! Darlene
Hello, you can easily find answers here to your questions. They have been asked and answered repeatedly.

Just go to the search feature and it will all be there.

I think all ASL students in the country must have this assignment due before Thanksgiving break. I think about six other students have made the exact same request this week.:hmm:

Hello :)

Here will help you more info!

Good luck ;)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
I think all ASL students in the country must have this assignment due before Thanksgiving break. I think about six other students have made the exact same request this week.:hmm:


:giggle: So true, I think I have seen a couple post with some students asking for interviews.