I need help


New Member
Apr 27, 2011
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Ok so I have a class it's called Intro to the Deaf Community. I have a group project in which there were four of us. 3 of us are in asl2 and 1 was in asl 5.
we decided to do our project on audism. We wanted to interview 3 or 4 people and get some of their experiences. Well a week before it was due, the guy(the one in asl5) dropped the class. I am not proficient enough to sign for myself to interview anybody.

So here is my question, is there anybody on here that could possibly help? it would be really short and greatly appreciate. if you are interested please let me know.
This... I... what?

1) This isn't even vaguely tangentially related to "Pictures and Videos".
2) You posted a topic in the Introductions forum, where there's a stickied topic specifically about this: http://www.alldeaf.com/introduce-yo...iews-questions-surveys-please-read-first.html
3) Some simple searching could have very likely gotten you what you were looking for, as well. (Perhaps try starting here: http://www.alldeaf.com/our-world-our-culture/49278-what-ticks-you-off-most-about-hearies.html )
This... I... what?

1) This isn't even vaguely tangentially related to "Pictures and Videos".
2) You posted a topic in the Introductions forum, where there's a stickied topic specifically about this: http://www.alldeaf.com/introduce-yo...iews-questions-surveys-please-read-first.html
3) Some simple searching could have very likely gotten you what you were looking for, as well. (Perhaps try starting here: http://www.alldeaf.com/our-world-our-culture/49278-what-ticks-you-off-most-about-hearies.html )

You are such a fast learning kid! I am beginning to like you. :lol:
To the OP:

Sorry about your class, but you may have seen this saying someplace:

"Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."

Gentle hint: when you have a big project in class, on which a major part of your grade will depend, do not wait until the week before it's due to do the basic foundational parts of the project.

Corrollary: once you have already missed the boat on part A, do not rely on a bunch of strangers on an on-line forum to rescue you.

In other words: think local. Fast.
maybe you miss understood

Maybe you misunderstood, or maybe the way I wrote it was wrong. But I need to clear things up. We didn't wait til the last minute to do our project, we have it completed for the most part. The guy that dropped the class, didn't forward any of his part to us, so we have to cover it. I don't really need your input, but I wanted it just to make our presentation that much better. I have interviews already but I wanted some that weren't from my school.
I did dive in and talk to deaf people. My signing is limited so I finger spelled almost everything, but I got it done.

Like I said I just wanted to get other perspectives and experiences from deaf people from other parts of the world, in other states, I just wanted to have something extra.
I did read the post about posting survey's and what not. This is not a survey and I'm not trying to get some sort of polling. I apologize if that's what you got from this.

My group and I wanted to do our project on Audism, because it's not a topic that very many people know about. We are really trying to make people aware of Audism. Many of them want to be interpreters, and have never heard the term Audism. I know I have been a victim of discrimination and I share my stories if people ask. That's what I am doing, trying to get people's stories of when they were victims of discrimination because they are deaf or hard of hearing.

But thanks anyways! Maybe I can find it somewhere else.
I'll give you a bonus point for actually coming back and clarifying. But it sounds like the majority of what you're looking for is covered in the "What Ticks You Off The Most About Hearies". It's a large topic, but there are many many many stories of the sort you mentioned in there.
I'll give you a bonus point for actually coming back and clarifying. But it sounds like the majority of what you're looking for is covered in the "What Ticks You Off The Most About Hearies". It's a large topic, but there are many many many stories of the sort you mentioned in there.

Thank you I will check that out