I know it is weird but...


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Jan 20, 2004
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Does it is true that sometimes people marry to their own parents (i.e. son marrying his own mom or immediate family member?).. I was just asking because my ex fiance is in love with his mom, chose her over me (that why one of many reasons I called off enganement).. He is really in love with his own mother, he is really sick guy, he ditched my friend's gubernational inagural ball, he was supposed to be my date. He went shopping, eat at perkin's, go to church, on date with his OWN mom in tux! He and his own mom are sick people. I have an feeling that he is marrying his own mom someday.. I am glad I called off engagement so I don't marry that sicko who would fall in love with hiw own mom.
Are you absolutly positive that he's sexually attracted to his mother?
If he is attracted to his mother, maybe you should call the police since incest is pretty much illegal. The only type of incest that is legal is cousin-cousin incest. Are you sure that maybe he wasn't just dressed up nicely to meet a family obligation?
deafdyke said:
Are you absolutly positive that he's sexually attracted to his mother?
If he is attracted to his mother, maybe you should call the police since incest is pretty much illegal. The only type of incest that is legal is cousin-cousin incest. Are you sure that maybe he wasn't just dressed up nicely to meet a family obligation?

deafdyke -- cousin-cousin incest is legal between 3rd cousin or further -- NOT between the first and second cousins

Rachel -- sounds like ur ex is sick i agree but like deafdyke has asked -- are u positive hes attracted to mom sexually qq if its verified that hes sexually attracted to mom then u can have that reported
I don't think it's legal.

However, if it's stepson/stepmom... it's legal since they are not biologically related.
Have you ever heard the song Oedipus Rex, by the political satirist Tom Lehrer? Perhaps your ex should think twice before giving dear ol’ Mom a tumble… :ugh:

From the Bible to the popular song,
There's one theme that we find right along;
Of all ideals they hail as good,
The most sublime is motherhood.

There was a man though, who it seems,
Once carried this ideal to extremes.
He loved his mother and she loved him,
And yet his story is rather grim.

There once lived a man named Oedipus Rex,
You may have heard about his odd complex.
His name appears in Freud's index
'Cause he loved his mother.

His rivals used to say quite a bit
That as a monarch he was most unfit.
But still in all they had to admit
That he loved his mother.

Yes, he loved his mother like no other,
His daughter was his sister and his son was his brother.
One thing on which you can depend is,
He sure knew who a boy's best friend is.

When he found what he had done,
He tore his eyes out, one by one.
A tragic end to a loyal son
Who loved his mother.

So be sweet and kind to mother,
Now and then have a chat.
Buy her candy or some flowers,
Or a brand new hat.
But maybe you had better let it go at that.

Or you may find yourself with a quite complex complex
And you may end up like Oedipus.
I'd rather marry a duck-billed platypus
Than end up like old Oedipus Rex.
cousin-cousin incest is legal between 3rd cousin or further -- NOT between the first and second cousins
I thought first cousins were allowed to get married in Kentucky or Tennassee or one of those states? Actually until recently it was VERY common for people to marry their cousins...that's how The Vineyard Deaf community got it's start.
deafdyke said:
I thought first cousins were allowed to get married in Kentucky or Tennassee or one of those states? Actually until recently it was VERY common for people to marry their cousins...that's how The Vineyard Deaf community got it's start.
Well, cousins are still related by blood... so I think it's stupid. They need to go out and enjoy themselves instead of staying within their own families. :(
deafdyke said:
I thought first cousins were allowed to get married in Kentucky or Tennassee or one of those states? Actually until recently it was VERY common for people to marry their cousins...that's how The Vineyard Deaf community got it's start.

deafdyke -- :dunno: abt KY or TN -- i leave it to those who lives in either state to answer that question of urs -- all i do know is that 3rd cousin or further are legal cuz their bloodlines isnt as close together -- yes thats true the deaf community at Martha's Vineyard started out with incest between family members

VamPyroX said:
Well, cousins are still related by blood... so I think it's stupid. They need to go out and enjoy themselves instead of staying within their own families.

Vampy -- i so totally agree with u!!!
Well, cousins are still related by blood... so I think it's stupid. They need to go out and enjoy themselves instead of staying within their own families
I agree. One of my friends is fascinated with the idea of incest. Her fascination delves from the idea of consent....can two pyschlogically healthy people who are closely related (ie nuclear family) consent to sex together without issues of power coming into play?
I tell her it is not possible. Virtually ALL incest is about a more powerful person wielding sex as a power tool against a younger weaker defenseless person. Of course there is that story from the '70's where two people met and fell in love, and later found out that they were brother and sister!
A psycologically healthy person would want to go out and seek friendships (which might turn into something else) with people who weren't related to them. Hmmmm....you know it might be interesting to find out exactly how many incest perpretrators have disorders like autism/Asperger's Syndrome or other disorders that inhibit everyday socialization, like some learning disabilties or ADD or whatever.(LDs and ADD very often include social dysfunction symptoms)
deafdyke said:
I thought first cousins were allowed to get married in Kentucky or Tennassee or one of those states? Actually until recently it was VERY common for people to marry their cousins...that's how The Vineyard Deaf community got it's start.

Marriage between first cousins is legally permissible in 26 states. Here’s a state-by-state breakdown of applicable laws:


You might find it interesting to note that Albert Einstein’s second wife was his first cousin.
I have a friend whose cousin married her cousin -- they're once removed, I believe...cousins by marriage, so therefore, they're not blood cousins at all.
Yes. Marrying cousins (and other relatives) are common in states like Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. That practice still exists in those states.

One of my old friends in Tennessee had learnt years ago that her parents were related (cousins) and they married very young.

I am thankful that I wasn't one of those to be born to such. But it is so sad to think how some children have to suffer through something they couldn't help.
I wouldn't want to marry to a family members, altough I think its sickening. I rather someone outside of my family that I rather to marry.
date between son and mom is sickening and sad...to be honest with you...someone showed me porno site this do have son and mother intercourse even grandparent intercourse with their grandchildren...image this...plus it is making me want to run to bathroom and voimt...the world are getting more darker and much sick right now...people need a truly hope...let me share with you about something....I do knew the culture in Puerto Rico is well know for incest what I mean is many married between cousins...I am not guessing...it is based on fact and research...even I checked into family tree geneology...it is true...
In Australia, first cousins can marry, but not the second cousins.

Rachel, I must say that your ex sounds a tad too devoted to his mother. He must be still tied to his mommy's apron. Though, I do not know if there's anything insectous going on. You can't really say as you do not know. Only he does know and I think if he's in an insectous relationship, I doubt he'd tell you.
OMG! thats totally sick!!
Hope you are wrong about that, Rachel..like someone said its possible that they are not related by blood like stepmother/stepson..you might do some checking around and make sure that they are not blood relatives, if they are, they can get in trouble with the law! ..
I had a second cousin in Utah that was in love with me when i was a teenager and i totally rejected him cuz it makes me feel too weird since we are related..geez. Thank goodness, he had enough sense to leave me alone when i told him i was not interested!..heh!! :ugh:
Miss-Delectable said:
In Australia, first cousins can marry, but not the second cousins.

That is weird. First cousins are more closely related by blood than second cousins, so it seems it should be the other way around.