i have been wear my cochlear implant 2 years from now


New Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Hello Everyone:
I have been wear my cochlear implants in 2 years and I dont have any problem with my cochlear implants ... When I have first time to hook up my cochlear implants and people talking like Donald Duck sound like Quack, Quack when i got my first time hook up and after in one week later everything is come back to normal and first time i heard that sound flash for toliet sound like fffffffffffffffffffffff sound like that... I never hear the bird sing so sweet to hear the bird sing wow.... Black Crow bird sound like caw, caw that is cute sound after i wear in 2 years from now everything is okay to me before that time I was in 40 year old first time got my new cochlear implant and i loves it......
I'm glad the CI is working great for you! And I agree with you on the toilet flushing sound, that one is very terrible. I do fine with most other sounds but the toilet flushing and plastic bags are terrible!
Funnily enough my daughter who has normal hearing cannot stand the sound of the toilet flushing either. She'll put her hands over her ears. She also hates the sound of the kettle boiling, which is also a sound that I find loud with my CI. I wonder if she has CI empathy? :giggle:

Welcome Bluesugar and glad your CI is giving you so much pleasure. I know what you mean about hearing some sounds that you have never been aware of before. My favourite never heard before sound is the sound of a bird's wings flapping when it takes off near me.
Funnily enough my daughter who has normal hearing cannot stand the sound of the toilet flushing either. She'll put her hands over her ears. She also hates the sound of the kettle boiling, which is also a sound that I find loud with my CI. I wonder if she has CI empathy? :giggle:

Welcome Bluesugar and glad your CI is giving you so much pleasure. I know what you mean about hearing some sounds that you have never been aware of before. My favourite never heard before sound is the sound of a bird's wings flapping when it takes off near me.

No CI, but I HATE the sound of styrofoam sqeaking! Gives me cold chills all over!!
Cool sound like your enjoying the different kinds of sounds. I have heard the sounds of kids making lots of noise and I hated it! It is like when you scratch very slowly down the greenboard... It is absolutely AWFUL nosie!

Hope the cochlear implants journey doing you well :)
No CI, but I HATE the sound of styrofoam sqeaking! Gives me cold chills all over!!


Oh my god. I got so much of CHILL feeling from that styrofoams sounds... I hate that too!

Another thing.. my daughter knows 1 little thing I HATE so much is when she makes noise on the can of soda.. the opener thingy.. if you play with it with fingernails etc whatever it make boing noise (a little) I get soo grrr because it is soo annyoying..

This will remember one of my sweet friend from ny she was playing with the can i was wondering what was that noise so I asked her very politely.. you mind to stop doing that. she was wondering why i said that.. then few min later she did it again then i looked at her.. and she stopped.. she was :ugh3:
at me for saying that lol Well I MET her for the first time that day. and all she does is making the can noise LOL ..... AT that time I was wearing HA.. before I had my CI !and I still can't STAND that sounds!

ssorry for offtopic...


cong with your ci, and I can image that with discovering a new sounds everywhere is very interesting and fun...

I have to admit:

My another friend came to visit us... she and i was chatting in my bedroom as I was showing her my house she knows my way with my bedroom is alwayssss a MESS lmao..
Anyhow, i kept searching for that buzzing sound I couldnt figure out but it was sooo FREAKING loud.. now I UNDERSTAND how these hearing people gets soo grr with deaf people who has a feedback HA
and wow! that was sooo LOUD.. I dont see deaf often.. cuz I have been so busybee mama with my kids. plus i moved from mass to maine soo I dont see lots of deaf people till other day WOW its soo interesting to hear that huge loud whistling/buzzing sound hehe..

I am just curious. how do you get use to that? Is it really hard to get use to? Cause I am a hearing person and I know if I try learning a new language its very hard. Signing is the only language I have picked up well. It can still be hard at times. Just wondering if it took a long time and if you didn't like it at first.
I am just curious. how do you get use to that? Is it really hard to get use to? Cause I am a hearing person and I know if I try learning a new language its very hard. Signing is the only language I have picked up well. It can still be hard at times. Just wondering if it took a long time and if you didn't like it at first.

Most of us who have got or are getting CIs do have some experience with hearing either through hearing aids or perhaps being early or late deafened. Also many of us have some degree of speech skills as well, although this will range according to circumstance. So it's not always completely like starting again but it's about getting used to a new input of sound from a different medium.

It's certainly challenging in the first few months but also a learning experience which to me has been very positive. The great thing about CIs is that if it's too loud or too overwhelming it can be reprogrammed. In a way its like having virtual hearing!
I can't stand the sound of fingernails scratching the blackboard. I can only hear that sound up close but it makes me shudder.
Most of us who have got or are getting CIs do have some experience with hearing either through hearing aids or perhaps being early or late deafened. Also many of us have some degree of speech skills as well, although this will range according to circumstance. So it's not always completely like starting again but it's about getting used to a new input of sound from a different medium.

It's certainly challenging in the first few months but also a learning experience which to me has been very positive. The great thing about CIs is that if it's too loud or too overwhelming it can be reprogrammed. In a way its like having virtual hearing!

Well I am glad that you are able to have one then :)
I hope it works well through the years.
have a nice day
I'm glad you shared your experience. WhenI was hearing and had hearing aids...my son (11) was with me. I was walking down the hall in the clinic after first getting them and heard noises behind me. I turned around and pointed to this lady who was wearing very noisy shoes and said "That's what I hear!" My son hit me and the lady thought I was really weird. The best part was coming out of the bathroom and telling him I could hear myself pee! I was talking too loud though because I wasn't used to the aids. I am an embarrassment to my son!