I Have Been Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes...Crap!


Active Member
May 1, 2003
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Bad News: The day before yesterday I had my regular visit with my doctor. Sadly I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. :-(

I am now taking 500 mg of Glucophage.

This medication works to lower the amount of sugar in the blood. It does this by lowering the amount of sugar produced in the liver, and also increasing the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin. The cells are therefore more able to remove sugar from the blood. The drug also slows the absorption of sugars from the intestines; lowers blood sugar levels between and after meals.

Now I have to get on the ball - eat right, exercise and follow what my doctor says to the letter. I will beat this trust me. - - > :mad:
Wirelessly posted

Good attitude!
I was under impression that once a person have diabetic, it cannot be cured. If it was caught early? Depends on type of diabetic and when it was caught?
Get a bicycle. It helped bring my sugar down to the 90's. Then again, you have to ride a few hundred miles per year to achieve that....
When first diagnosed it is "reversible" in the means where if you eat right and lose some weight than you can totally keep your sugars in check and not have to worry about it.
I was under impression that once a person have diabetic, it cannot be cured. If it was caught early? Depends on type of diabetic and when it was caught?

Type 1 diabetes cannot be reversed. I believe that type 2 Diabetes can be reversed in some cases with weight loss. That second part I'm not 100% sure about though.
When first diagnosed it is "reversible" in the means where if you eat right and lose some weight than you can totally keep your sugars in check and not have to worry about it.

Yes. You can easily turn this around if you eat right and have a healthy, active lifestyle. My mom reversed it in her 80's.
My mom had a friend who turned his habits around after his diagnosis. Followed doctors orders and wound up healthier than he'd ever been before, for the rest of his (very long) life. He used to beam and say "Diabetes is good for you!"