I Got The Surgery!


Active Member
Jun 11, 2006
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I hope this is not repost. If it does then MODS can delete here. I got this VLog via email that I thought you would be interesting. FYI ... t's NOT me that had surgery.

rays of raychelle: I Got The Surgery!
That's true...it is person's DECISION to get CI not others. I made my own decision to get one so no one tells me what to do. They were happy what I make on my own decision. :)
One thing....

I don't believe to put CI on babies to school age (up to 10 years old). I rather my child make her/his own decision than forcing to put CI on my child. I wanted to see my child happy with her/his own decision than she/he will says "Thanks a lot you put CI on me without asking me! And I hate it and I won't wear it at all!!!"
She is not CI USER.. she trying to expose everyone all Deaf Community and rest other general..
That's all.. I'm waiting and hear from her message me back... I did reply to her personally!
I have viewed her vlogs and am encouraged by what I saw - a voice of REASON. Dispelling myths, encouraging understanding between all aspects of the deaf community. She advocates that the deaf community embrace those with CI's, and they in turn will be embraced. Helping dispel the fear and misunderstandings/myths that so many still believe in, is a step in the right direction. Those who are against CI's in children might also be amazed by her discourse on WHY it is better to implant young, versus waiting for a child to make the decision themselves.

Of course there will always be those out there (especially in the DeafRead blogsphere) who will disagree, who will tell her to shut up, or that she has no right to voice her opinions or that she is "betraying" the deaf community, but until more people like her stand up and say that its WRONG to judge those with CI's, change won't happen. She's got people thinking....and that's a GOOD thing!