I don't want to look stupid


New Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi all! I'm new here, so let me intrduce myself.

I'm 3cats. I have 3 cats and a dog, and a wonderful husband. I am Hearing, and interested in learning ASL and about Deaf Culture.

I'm starting ASL classes online (my in-person class got canceled at the last minute), and know some basic signs from my mom (she took signed english in high school), and books.

I'm afraid to try to talk to the deaf people I see around me. Although I can say just about anything I want between signed words and fingerspelling, I'm embarrassed. I mix up ASL and SE, sometimes out of habit and sometimes ignorance. I think the book I have is outdated, because some of the signs I know are no longer widely used. Plus, my receptive skills are slow from lack of practice.

I don't want to be the person everyone dreads seeing because I try to "practice on them." But then, how will I ever learn or get to know those wonderful people who also happen to be Deaf/HoH? What should I do?

Thanks, and nice to meet you!

simple question, what state are you living in? so everyone will provide you a few links for you to meet deafies through the starbuck events, or some events place or anywhere.

good luck.

Welcome to AllDeaf!
I am hearing as well. As long as you keep at, it the embarrassment will slowly dissipate. Hells, I know cause I have the same affliction. Especially when I am meeting new people. Remember, you will not look stupid. You are learning, and if you explain that to the deaf people you are talking to they will help you.
Most deaf people who know you are learning will understand that you are "practicing on them". They respect that you are learning and will be patient, if not they will know someone for you to sign with.
For your receptive skill, start watching youtube asl stories. Also for fs receptive skill use ASL.ms It is amazing. Start on the medium speed, sound it out, and look at the shape. Once you get good at that skip to the deaf speed and do the same. it is weird, but one day it will just click. Trust me.
I understand being shy and embarrassed with signing with deaf people, but the only way your receptive will get better is if you learn that persons style. All deaf people sign in different styles. There is a deaf man where I live that uses ASL, SEE, and home signs all mixed in with every sign he makes--he is the hardest deaf person I have ever tried to understand, but after time I got use to his style and now I can sign with him just fine.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave: