"I dont want to go to bed"


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Have any of you said that? If so...why?

If you said that, it is obvious you are tired or something else like my reason...

Whever I say that...it means the time has struck signaling 8 hours before the time I am scheduled to wake up but I am not feeling tired at the moment. That is when I say "I dont want to go to bed,....."

I am such a night owl...even when I feel tired at 9 or 10 or even 11 at night, I dont want to go to bed. I feel more alive at that time of the day but on weeknights I force myself to go to bed knowing I have to be up at 5:30 AM for work.

AT 530 am, even if I went to bed at 8:30 PM the night before, I feel completely and utterly unfunctional to the point of being lifeless.

Sometimes I feel like just saying " f*** about going to bed at the time I AM supposed to be in bed and just going to bed whenever I am ready." Problem is that it may not be until 2 or 3 AM and then i have to pay the consequences by waking up at 530 am for work.

Anyone ever struggle with that dilemna?
Have any of you said that? If so...why?

If you said that, it is obvious you are tired or something else like my reason...

Whever I say that...it means the time has struck signaling 8 hours before the time I am scheduled to wake up but I am not feeling tired at the moment. That is when I say "I dont want to go to bed,....."

I am such a night owl...even when I feel tired at 9 or 10 or even 11 at night, I dont want to go to bed. I feel more alive at that time of the day but on weeknights I force myself to go to bed knowing I have to be up at 5:30 AM for work.

AT 530 am, even if I went to bed at 8:30 PM the night before, I feel completely and utterly unfunctional to the point of being lifeless.

Sometimes I feel like just saying " f*** about going to bed at the time I AM supposed to be in bed and just going to bed whenever I am ready." Problem is that it may not be until 2 or 3 AM and then i have to pay the consequences by waking up at 530 am for work.

Anyone ever struggle with that dilemna?

Always. Its one of the reasons I excel at cards. I'm READY TO GO at 1-4am. Everyone else is drunk and sleepy.
I'm a morning blue jaybird. Married to night owl. Imagine that. By 3 PM I'm done...my critical thinking skills are done. I'm ready for bed by 7p.m. Ok, really by 6 p.m. I'm up because I'm in the middle of a conversation with someone...but I'm barely functional. Lol
I am experience on lots of 8am wake up because hard to sleep because pretty!
I couldn't believe it's only midnite..... wow I thought it's around 2am or so because I'm feeling very exhausted
9:00pm comes, and that's usually when I want to start up some big project! Funny, my son who is severely mentally disabled is wired the same way... and he isn't capable of a lot of cognitive thought. But in summer, we're the slugs sleeping in until 10:30-11:00. If he's in bed awake, he's clapping, babbling, laughing, or squealing for joy.
Have any of you said that? If so...why?

If you said that, it is obvious you are tired or something else like my reason...

Whever I say that...it means the time has struck signaling 8 hours before the time I am scheduled to wake up but I am not feeling tired at the moment. That is when I say "I dont want to go to bed,....."

I am such a night owl...even when I feel tired at 9 or 10 or even 11 at night, I dont want to go to bed. I feel more alive at that time of the day but on weeknights I force myself to go to bed knowing I have to be up at 5:30 AM for work.

AT 530 am, even if I went to bed at 8:30 PM the night before, I feel completely and utterly unfunctional to the point of being lifeless.

Sometimes I feel like just saying " f*** about going to bed at the time I AM supposed to be in bed and just going to bed whenever I am ready." Problem is that it may not be until 2 or 3 AM and then i have to pay the consequences by waking up at 530 am for work.

Anyone ever struggle with that dilemna?
Yes. it's a constant problem for and sometimes I can't sleep before 5 am.
All the time. I need to go to sleep seven hours before I need to wake up, and that's about eleven for me. I hate going to bed that early, too. Luckily, I've gotten my body so it gets real sleepy if I'm not in bed by midnight.
I'm a night owl too, worked mainly nights all my life. Getting up at 6am in the morning feels terrible (for me). Usually, I'm in bed by 1-2am, getting up around 6am, and take a short nap during the day.
I'm a night owl too, worked mainly nights all my life. Getting up at 6am in the morning feels terrible (for me). Usually, I'm in bed by 1-2am, getting up around 6am, and take a short nap during the day.

I need to start napping during the day, I think. Just short ones, since I'm usually ok the first few days, then by Wednesday or Thursday I'm struggling to keep myself awake at ten pm....:shock: It used to be I couldn't sleep till three or four....
I cant sleep, too much coffee. I wish morning would hurry up and get here so I can drink some more!
It's one of the big reasons I work night shift, I'm up anyways! Been doing solid nights for 7 years now, love it!
Yeah I hate that. Hope you ll find a good cause to sleep well when you re ready to go to bed.

If i haven't work out for a long time then i have some troubles to go to bed early then the next morning i usually feel so tired even if i had coffee. so i try to keep up with workout so i can get a good sleep if i can.
I am a morning person and tend to get tired late in the day. Now, it's due to hubby getting up at 5am. He's always worked 2nd shift, but just for the last year or so, he's on first shift. I always worked days. Did a short run on "graveyard" shift at a nursing home before quitting. MIL is now used to me moving around early, that it I wake her, she will turn on her TV and go back to sleep. She is a night owl, often staying up until anywhere from 2-5 am.
Have any of you said that? If so...why?

If you said that, it is obvious you are tired or something else like my reason...

Whever I say that...it means the time has struck signaling 8 hours before the time I am scheduled to wake up but I am not feeling tired at the moment. That is when I say "I dont want to go to bed,....."

I am such a night owl...even when I feel tired at 9 or 10 or even 11 at night, I dont want to go to bed. I feel more alive at that time of the day but on weeknights I force myself to go to bed knowing I have to be up at 5:30 AM for work.

AT 530 am, even if I went to bed at 8:30 PM the night before, I feel completely and utterly unfunctional to the point of being lifeless.

Sometimes I feel like just saying " f*** about going to bed at the time I AM supposed to be in bed and just going to bed whenever I am ready." Problem is that it may not be until 2 or 3 AM and then i have to pay the consequences by waking up at 530 am for work.

Anyone ever struggle with that dilemna?

Lately I usually can't stay up...pass 11pm...gotta be up early for school. I usually stay up later during the vacation, but I once stayed up the entire night...I was so sleepy as soon as it hit 6 am I was out. But before I passed out, I was supposedly online and my friends said I was singing, and the lyrics were out of order. lol
Dang. Looks like I will be up to wake the roosters. I had so much coffee they are 747's.
You know, after a couple I go Boeing, Boeing. :P
Up at 3 am most days. Have to be on site and working for 5 am, and it's nearly an hour drive to site.
I cant go to bed before 4am most nights but i have to be awake by 6am