I don't know if....


New Member
Apr 13, 2006
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I don't know if anyone has created a thread who is in college or wanting to go to college. If so what your going in for?

Im going to do Visual Basic Graphic Programming... I can't wait, But Im doing college online though... Because I can do it at my pace since Im busy half of the time. I mostly will do it at night and study better...

Have any done it online?
Well no I never done college online so I went to CPCC (central piedmont community college, the largest community college in NC) for two years on drawing courses so I thought about working with videogame companies creating ideas or something like that so I do the drawings and show them what to make for the games, etc stuff like that.
Well no I never done college online so I went to CPCC (central piedmont community college, the largest community college in NC) for two years on drawing courses so I thought about working with videogame companies creating ideas or something like that so I do the drawings and show them what to make for the games, etc stuff like that.

Yeah you told me that!! I thought it was neat that you want to do that and I hope you get where you want to be... Don't give up!!
lol I wont it's just hard to find which company to work for, thou.
I am in San Diego State University for a BA degree in applied arts of printmaking. No BFA although. :tears: if I have a BFA, I will be much happier but of course I cannot afford a REAL art school on my own. But San Diego State has been good to me!
This Fall semester is my last one then I graduate this Decemeber. Whee!

I might will pursue a MFA degree at an university in D.C. in 2008. I need a year to put my application and create a body of art to show who I am as an artist.

(And yes I have taken courses online. I LOVED it. It is better with general education courses like philosophy, history, anthropology etc. I took.. I think...a total of six courses online through local community colleges to transfer to my university for credits.)