I Demand Apology!

NAD was more like a country club back then and CAD mirrored NAD and their leaders were both like 'sorry you feel that way' to me before they got sunk.

And CAD cancelled my membership almost immediately after I announced my candidacy to run as President of the organization. That so the other guy who got busted for embezzlement could win. That was painful!

Oakley_04 said:
why whine now?? its 2006 not 2001, ur 5 years late to whine abt this. and get over with this. its something that u should have done in Feb of 2001.... :sure:

What they did matters more than WHEN they did.

VamPyroX said:
Sometimes, whistleblowing doesn't always solve problems.

Unfortunately deafs were more interested in burying than facing the problems.

I have known you for a good while, watching your post. I am sorry I have to make fun of you sometimes. BUT I must agree with their rejection! If I am on board of their organization. I will DEFINETLY turn you down, for a GOOD REASON. Biggest reason is... LIABLITY! You got very high risk on legal liablity, My organization can be SUED for sponsering what you believe! So this kind of liablity is definetly too much! So, you gotta to kiss your sorry ass, learn from your mistake AND MOVE ON!

My unsolicited advice; Pick and choose which battles to win. Sadly, the CAD doesn't seem to be worth pursuing, and I believe they have already changed their leadership.

Moreover, the NAD will have their convention in Palm Springs soon. Why not try again and get a booth/presence there? I'm sure this time around, they should be accommodating.
Nesmuth said:
Unfortunately deafs were more interested in burying than facing the problems.

You're right. It should be in between, not too much or too little. Doing too little is burying the problem. Doing too much is blowing the whistle on the problem.
Eyeth said:

My unsolicited advice; Pick and choose which battles to win. Sadly, the CAD doesn't seem to be worth pursuing, and I believe they have already changed their leadership.

Moreover, the NAD will have their convention in Palm Springs soon. Why not try again and get a booth/presence there? I'm sure this time around, they should be accommodating.
Yep. Think of it this way...

You're at war and you see the enemy troops coming. What do you do? Standing up and blowing the whistle for everyone to see will get you shot. Firing the first shot without standing up for everyone to see you will help you better.
Eyeth said:

My unsolicited advice; Pick and choose which battles to win. Sadly, the CAD doesn't seem to be worth pursuing, and I believe they have already changed their leadership.

Atonement for their past misdeeds is a sign of strength. Do we see that here?


Who is more liable to an organization? a whistleblower or an embezzler?

We're talking about a whistleblower who has his eyes on a lot of things in the deaf communities verses an embezzeler who had his hands in the organizations pocketbooks.

So you rather have an embezzler to lead the deafs?

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Nesmuth said:
We're talking about a whistleblower who has his eyes on a lot of things in the deaf communities verses an embezzeler who had his hands in the organizations pocketbooks.

So you rather have an embezzler to lead the deafs?
I'd rather not have either one! Does that count? :)

A whistleblower is already a member or participant in an organization and reports on perceived misdeeds and wrongdoings. I'd rather not have that individual, although they have exposed countless malfeasance/misfeasance and saved millions of dollars and/or lives. They also have caused a lot of harm as well.

Rather, I'd have an activist running things. If this person sees perceived wrongdoing in an organization he/she truly cares about, this person will take action and remedy such problems afflicting the organization, instead of running to other people and asking them for solutions.
diehardbiker65 said:
I have known you for a good while, watching your post. I am sorry I have to make fun of you sometimes. BUT I must agree with their rejection! If I am on board of their organization. I will DEFINETLY turn you down, for a GOOD REASON. Biggest reason is... LIABLITY! You got very high risk on legal liablity, My organization can be SUED for sponsering what you believe! So this kind of liablity is definetly too much! So, you gotta to kiss your sorry ass, learn from your mistake AND MOVE ON!

diehardbiker65, Can you please elaborate on what the issues are? What is the liability of him? What is going on?
Good example HOVRS VS Sorenson over NDA, He was making big deal of this, in the end. Court already found this case to be without merit! Sorenson, Inc wanted to sue him for making false statements against Sorenson.

pek1 said:
diehardbiker65, Can you please elaborate on what the issues are? What is the liability of him? What is going on?
diehardbiker65 said:
Sorenson, Inc wanted to sue him for making false statements against Sorenson.

I need not to bug Sorenson because theyre already on their way out. And if diehardbiker65 wants to use the Sorenson chapter to determine my liability, thats fine by me.

I proved you wrong with the court decision. Orignally I thought it was all fake, but I was somewhat surprised there was hearing going on. The final decision was that this case were without Merit. So, again it proves that this case was false to begin with anyway.
There are other factors why nobody wants you around, you could make them lose more friends faster than necessary. Your wife left you, your past posting shows exact who you are and I am sure many women don't want deal with this BS.

Nesmuth said:
I need not to bug Sorenson because theyre already on their way out. And if diehardbiker65 wants to use the Sorenson chapter to determine my liability, thats fine by me.

Nesmuth said:
And CAD cancelled my membership almost immediately after I announced my candidacy to run as President of the organization. That so the other guy who got busted for embezzlement could win. That was painful!


What´s the reason they reject you for? Have you done anything to harm?

Why should you expect an apology from them when you know they would not do that?

I would advice you to forget them and enjoy your life at somewhere instead of upset over that 5 years old issue.
diehardbiker65 said:
I proved you wrong with the court decision. Orignally I thought it was all fake, but I was somewhat surprised there was hearing going on. The final decision was that this case were without Merit. So, again it proves that this case was false to begin with anyway.
There are other factors why nobody wants you around, you could make them lose more friends faster than necessary. Your wife left you, your past posting shows exact who you are and I am sure many women don't want deal with this BS.

HOVRS may not seem to win their case in the courthouse, but theyre winning outside the courtroom big time . If you want to rant like that that's fine by me.

Liebling:-))) said:
What´s the reason they reject you for? Have you done anything to harm?

Why should you expect an apology from them when you know they would not do that?

I would advice you to forget them and enjoy your life at somewhere instead of upset over that 5 years old issue.

I only blew the whistle that the membership director at that time wasnt crediting all the membership dues the way he was supposed to do. A simple public apology for being treated like garbage for spotlighting a problem long before they found it themselves.

I got a real good reason to bring it up now. Based on what I'm seeing at NAD, and the fact NAD is going to have their biennial playground in my back yard, their favorite leadership candidates smell a lot like Gary Olson and Al Pimmental.

That's a big red flag, the same red flag I had 5 yrs ago.


If you want to raise attention about the situation with NAD and do some whistleblowing, what is your plan?

Do you have press releases to distribute to major and minor media outlets? Have you organized a group to build momentum for your cause?

I can't say I know enough about the situation to make a honest judgement on NAD, but if there is a situation that really is harming the ability of NAD to serve the deaf people it represents, I hope you make fruitful steps towards solving the problem.

I would be a bit hestitant when it comes to "whistleblowing" proper, and would keep focus on more covert techniques for implementing change, but that is just me. Whatever you do is up to you and I hope for the best for all of us.

I do have several books in my private collection that address the dynamics of organizational change (my favorite of which is titled Corporate Culture and Performance), and most of these books say that the most efficient, permanent change tends to come from within the administration of the organization. If you build a group and get momentum rolling, you may be able to spread your sphere of influence to the higher levels of the administrative bureaucracy and effectively implement lasting change.