I am too thin, need advice

:jaw: Holy cow!!!!

SkullChick...maybe you have a high metabolism right now but as you get older, it shoudl slow down.

Why is eating boring to u? Just curious.

Ha nice but 13 inch sound like huge amount of food jclake lol.
well shel90 eating is boring to me because its same everyday and repetive activity like chew, swallow, put in mouth, chew, swallow, and so on just so boring and so time consuming (I eat slow can't help it or I'll choke) they need makes something like 1,000 calories 8 oz half of amount of multivitamin stuff in for breakfast and other one for dinner same thing so I'll be fill and get all nutrition and calories and get on with life that would be awesome haha
Despite your height, I would venture to guess that you probably have a fairly small bone structure as well as a quick metabolism. I also think the reason mine has not slowed is because I compensate by eating several small meals instead of 3 big ones. Same amount of food, but digested differently.

Yeah, I think I'm medium-boned and eat a buncha times a day...hehe
Look up on the weight chart: Height and Weight Chart

I may think that you have some parasites in your stomach. I can't proof it, but you may want eat medium spicy food once a while to kill them to see how much you weight in two weeks. Indian buffets, spicy veggie chicken burgers, etc.

Yogurt is good for your stomach - 1/2 cup yogurt every morning and evening.

- Stop eating french fries - potato chips and any junk food. (oh yeah, that's big difference.)
- Stay away from high corn fruit syrup (very common in food products).
- Never eat anything that has "diet" on the label or zero calories (worst is aspartame and splenda as artificial sweetners ...all fake sugar packets).
- Stop drinking coffee - change to tea. (Another thing, coffee has been in the pot for a while get tanic acid in it.)
- Do not buy a food with a label or ingredient that says "enrich" wheat or other enrich food that makes you tired.
- Always read the ingredients if you are not familiar the names (even strange names), and never buy them. The best is a few and simple ingredients.
- Do not believe a food seller that says it is good for your health. That's not entire true. The only way for you to proof is to read the ingredients. It's because the seller doesn't even know or does not tell the truth because of money business.
- Eat raw fruits.
- Meat stays in your stomach for 3 days before it is digested (not normal).
- Eat banana, mashed potatoes... Proteins and potassium are extremely important.
Believe it or not but I did got treated for parasites in stomach 2 years ago so I don't have it anymore lol I got meds 4 times longer than recommended dose to makes sure its totally gone and wash all veggies, fruits before eating (dirt carry parasites) makes huge difference makes me more "regular" if you know what I meant, I used to go only once or 2 times a week but now sometimes daily sometimes every other day. (If u still don't know what I mean then number 2)
I am small figure and petite person. I was very active person, had intestine surgery LONG TIME AGO. I only eat 6 meals each day. I cant eat HUGE meal, I only can eat small by small in few minutes. If I eat too fast then I will be full and left lot of food there. I tend put them back to fridge till I am ready and relax to eat.
Ever thought of trying protein shakes or high-calorie shakes?

You can get those at your local GNC store.

I knew a guy who was very thin for someone his age and height. He started doing those chocolate shakes from GNC and they worked out well.
Oh I see.

You mention that you might have a murmur heart. Do you had a heart surgery? Do you ever had a feeding tube in your stomach?

In case if you have a hard time eating your food, then you may have a heart infection. I mean that if that happens, you need to see a doctor for your heart checkup right away.

Do you smoke? If yes, then if you are a heavy smoker, then your stomach may have rotten intestines. My neighbor was a heavy smoker and has already damaged her stomach. She is about 60 years old, and she will not make it in a few years because her doctor removed some of her rotten intestines. She looks very thin. (I am not talking about you. I don't want you to feel down. Okay.)
Ha nice but 13 inch sound like huge amount of food jclake lol.
well shel90 eating is boring to me because its same everyday and repetive activity like chew, swallow, put in mouth, chew, swallow, and so on just so boring and so time consuming (I eat slow can't help it or I'll choke) they need makes something like 1,000 calories 8 oz half of amount of multivitamin stuff in for breakfast and other one for dinner same thing so I'll be fill and get all nutrition and calories and get on with life that would be awesome haha

I bold above - I didn't say about a 13" torilla - You are talking to the wrong person, Skullchick. It was authentic - one of alldeaf members..
I bold above - I didn't say about a 13" torilla - You are talking to the wrong person, Skullchick. It was authentic - one of alldeaf members..

OHH! Oops I just rechecked and you're right! I'm sorry I got you guys mixed up whoops haha
Oh I see.

You mention that you might have a murmur heart. Do you had a heart surgery? Do you ever had a feeding tube in your stomach?

In case if you have a hard time eating your food, then you may have a heart infection. I mean that if that happens, you need to see a doctor for your heart checkup right away.

Do you smoke? If yes, then if you are a heavy smoker, then your stomach may have rotten intestines. My neighbor was a heavy smoker and has already damaged her stomach. She is about 60 years old, and she will not make it in a few years because her doctor removed some of her rotten intestines. She looks very thin. (I am not talking about you. I don't want you to feel down. Okay.)

Yes I have heart murmur, and nope I haven't had any of heart surgery or treatment, I never smoke cigs and I never had feeding tube in stomach before.
Yeah I know I need go check up with cardiologist soon I haven't had my heart checked for 12 years now
Hey there,
Unfortunately I'm a little too experienced when it comes to weight, food choices, and nutrition, etc etc etc. I have a few different resources I can share with you if you PM me. :)
Are you taking a multivitamin? That is definitely important. B12 supplements are a must if you are not able to eat meat.
Exercise will speed up your metabolism and you will probably begin to feel hungry at more frequent intervals. Consider a low-resistance workout too.
Calorie-dense protein shakes don't taste all that great but are generally used for malnutrition/underweight. "Boost" or "Ensure" are good brands.
I'm glad to hear you got the potassium deficiency fixed up. That can cause severe heart problems if left untreated.
Yes I have heart murmur, and nope I haven't had any of heart surgery or treatment, I never smoke cigs and I never had feeding tube in stomach before.
Yeah I know I need go check up with cardiologist soon I haven't had my heart checked for 12 years now

12 years!!!! My goodness lady. Get yourself an appt with cardioogist asap. I do have a heart problem and I go see the cardiologist every 1 to 3 yrs.

One time I was losing weight and feeling tire, didnt want to eat. Ended up having a heart surgery and got my weight back.

I gain 7 lbs after I married to my exh. How!!! I drank a very delicouis extra thick milk shake and then I decided to stop cuz I didnt want to get too fat.

After I had my son I have gained and now trying to lose some. It was not an easy thing for me.

PLEASE go see your cardiologist asap and keep the appt every 1 to 3 yrs. for the sake of your life.
Just go to McDonald's and order 2 crispy chicken burgers with big fries, plus with big coke, I can't answer about beef burger because you was stated that you are allergic to red meats.

Don't like McDonald's then go to Burger King.

I hope it won't be serious, lol.
Believe me, I've been there... I am 5'6" and the lightest I weighed was 95 lbs. It was hard and took years to gain any type of weight back. My heavest was 160 and that was 9 months preg. Currently my average is 135-140 which is still considered underweight, but much, much better than before.

Like I said, it took years and years. Friends trying to jam food down my throat, which in turn just made me want to throw up. 1/2 a banana would fill fill me up, etc... Believe me, I know where you are coming from.

The easiest way for me was to set myself on a regular eating routine... IE : TIME IT OUT.
I would start with breakfast at like 7 am, even if it was just a piece of fruit or slice of toast with jam.
then at 9 / 9:30 I would have some small snack, again fruit or jello or IE
lunch at 12, 1/2 sandwich, soup / broth, crackers even.
at 2:30 / 3 I would again have another small snack
5 / 6 would be dinner, again depended... some starch and some protein (usually chicken - I just started adding red meat due to iron deficiets)
then I wold try at 8 for another piece of fruit...

the constant pattern of eaing helped a little and slowly I started adding more to the meals. Even now there are days I don't eat much... IE : coffee, crackers and small plate (like saucer size) of dinner. Depends on how I feel.

What have your MD's said about your condition???
Just go to McDonald's and order 2 crispy chicken burgers with big fries, plus with big coke, I can't answer about beef burger because you was stated that you are allergic to red meats.

Don't like McDonald's then go to Burger King.

I hope it won't be serious, lol.

My two friends always went to McDonalds/Burger King for a long time. They had a stroke due bad food. They got all better now, and they NEVER go to any fast food restaurant since two years. They learned a big lesson. They are about 35 years olds.
SkullChick - It takes 3 to 6 weeks to make an appointment for you to see a doctor. You have a 50/50 chance to live. The heart's aortic vessel is getting smaller and smaller which make you tired and short walks. Another issue, a heart block (not related heart attack) that skips the pattern of your heart beats without your knowledge and it makes you pass out without a warning.

It could be a deadly MRSA (bad germs) especially if you have Staph aureus infection in blood (staploccus) that eat your inner heart muscles and the valves. I am sorry to bring this up, but I don't have a better way to say about it. I had staploccus last year, and my doctor cleaned it up and replaced my valve so I'm good so far. I wash my hands all the times no matter what.
SkullChick - It takes 3 to 6 weeks to make an appointment for you to see a doctor. You have a 50/50 chance to live. The heart's aortic vessel is getting smaller and smaller which make you tired and short walks. Another issue, a heart block (not related heart attack) that skips the pattern of your heart beats without your knowledge and it makes you pass out without a warning.

It could be a deadly MRSA (bad germs) especially if you have Staph aureus infection in blood (staploccus) that eat your inner heart muscles and the valves. I am sorry to bring this up, but I don't have a better way to say about it. I had staploccus last year, and my doctor cleaned it up and replaced my valve so I'm good so far. I wash my hands all the times no matter what.

What do you know about heart murmur? It don't go smaller my problem is the valve doesn't close all the way that's it. And what are you talking about I have 1 in 2 chance to die? Wtf? I'm fine I just need to gain weight, the doctor ran test 2 times I'm totally fine no prob only low potassium but that got fixed instantly and doctor told me everything look and sound good I remember I had ekg eeg whatever it is called and its fine normal heartbeat only maybe 2 irregular that's it. And doctor told me I'm healthy just tiny and also I didn't have any cold or any sickness since beginning of summer so I'm pretty positive its not MRSA or infection and also I know why I'm always tired its cuz I don't eat enough food I remember one time I force food down constantly once for one week and I couldn't sleep at all and I was wired and hyper like I was on coke or something so I'm fine but of course I will check with cardiologist to be 100% sure so don't tell me I'm gonna die sheesh
I have heart murmur and I checked out. I still FINE, just feel tired or too much stress.

That is nothing bother for skinny people... same as fat people, too!