I am new to this forum(HOH)


New Member
Dec 20, 2010
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Hi, I am 68yrs male,(sep) veterans, HOH, wearing 2 aids, can function pretty well with inner circle(family), but lots of problems with strangers and bussiness people, I just cant functionne.
Friday(23dec),I will be getting an Ameriphone Dialogue Voice Carry Over Telephone. This will be a big challenge in using this device. Will use it mostly with strangers, otherwise, will try to use the voice part as much as possible with family and friends that do know my condition. Anyone using this type of phone? and what would be your your advise in using this device?
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum! :)

Sorry, I don't use this type of phone. I am using Nextalk.com and Skype.
Welcome! I've never heard of the Ameriphone Dialogue Voice Carry Over Telephone before but I just googled it and it looks like a great idea. I wonder if they, or something similar, are available in the UK?
Hi Carboa I think that almost any VCOs will be fine. I'm sure that you will feel a lot of relief to use your VCO phone without depending someone to call for you. In case if you have a problem with your speech on VCO which, of course, is not your fault. Then alternative is to get a videophone. Most people, like you, will use the VCO successfully. Actually, I like that brand that you are getting one. Good luck!