I admit that I ....... Part 3... *re-opening*


New Member
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
I'm create this part 3...
Reason all I want see you postive ways.. no negivate remarks insluting ... TOTAL ZERO ZIP! undy? :deal:
Thank you...... for your time...

Shall... start....

I admit that I'm create this re-open as part three "I admit that I...."
I must admit it's about time GalaxyAngel.... :bump:
*scoff laughing* ^Angel^... Thanks Indeed..

I admit that I'm huge smiling.... :D er wasn't mean green face am I ?
I admit that I should be in bed by now.

I admit that I want the links for GA's interesting avatars. The bulldogs are probably jealous. What will she use next? :D
I admit that I took a bath and I'm getting so dizzy with bird flying above my head. Is it Tweetybirdie?
Cheri said:
I admit that I took a bath and I'm getting so dizzy with bird flying above my head. Is it Tweetybirdie?

I admit yes, Tweetybirdie told me what she saw you :bump:
I admit that I'm glad that GalaxyAngel create a fresh thread here.. :thumb:
I admit and wondering if Liebling caught my newest thread tonight? :dunno:
Cheri said:
I admit and wondering if Liebling caught my newest thread tonight? :dunno:

I admit I saw your new thread but haven't time to read all the posts yet because I got several PMs here to respond... Right now I'm going to read all the posts and then answer... *I'm here in the office to do with my work then go back to your thread again then go with my job...*
I admit I'm in the aim chat with my true blue friends..... :aw:
I admit that I'm getting aggravated with this dial up of mine.. and i can't stop saying that!
Aww ... :hug:

I admit that I can't wait until RebelGirl get her new service next week.... :kiss:
I admit that I cannot get some good sleep lately.
I admit that I cannot wait until April for the bbq show to start.
I admit that I have been up since 3:45 AM....am totally sleep deprived :( I admit that I got out of my bed and drove all over the city in darkness. I hate insomnia!
I admit that... I was waking up and rub all over my husband's chest at 5:00a.m. My hands were cold, he got mad at me. I woke him up. :Oops:

The wooden stick up under my sheets. Interesting...