I admit that I..... *p4*

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New Member
Sep 25, 2003
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I admit I create this thread....

by the way..

Sad news...

I admit I got pnemonia is RETURNS.. not coming from cold or flu...
My left lungs is filled full of water and have to get muncus out of left lung..
and also got new puff.. called Symbicort turbuhaler 200 ug and also Avelox 400mg...

Walk in Clinic Doctor order me, Can't go work... until My lungs must cleared it out first and must stay home all the time.. In my mind.. oh geez air force still runs... My hubby force take wood to cover the all vent heat... and must wear thick sweater.. Looks alike me gainned WEIGHT but not.. it's thick sweater.. :giggle:
Oh Well......

Don't worry I'll be okay.
I admit that I am glad that GA went to clinic and got check it out. Whew... at least you can rest up and have a speedy recovery!!! :hug:
And, I admit that Im sort of not happy when I found the news from my mom. One horrible news and one sad news
I admit that Im thinking what to make for dinner tonight with Pizza... Help me? :Ohno: :lol:
I admit that I don't mind help Sweetheart make Pizza! As long as you let me stay and have dinner! :thumb:
I admit that I was just done watching a good movie on Lifetime channel. ;)
I admit I can't stand hypocritical and paranoid people who accuss me for nothing. *shake the head*

I admit GA get well... I'm glad that she went to doctor for check.
I admit that I missed all the fun in here while I was working on the floor. :eek: :eek2:
Liebling:-))) said:
I admit I can't stand hypocritical and paranoid people who accuss me for nothing. *shake the head*

I admit that I'm curious if you talking about here, or generally? ;)
Cheri said:
I admit that I'm curious if you talking about here, or generally? ;)

I admit I answer Cheri's curious question... Not here but generally... ;)
I admit my neck is very pain, couldn't move (sleep wrong way since 2 days), urghh!
I admit that I hope GA gets better. Pneumonia is a scary thing.
I admit I'm scare to use Inhale it... because I'm first time..
made me feel paronid if I inhale it wrong way.. Too much gloomed in my mind what if.. what if... soo many bothering me
:( I admit I stare the Inhale every minutes...... *scary*
I admit you might mean inhaler? You'll be fine after you take it.

GalaxyAngel said:
I admit I'm scare to use Inhale it... because I'm first time..
made me feel paronid if I inhale it wrong way.. Too much gloomed in my mind what if.. what if... soo many bothering me
:( I admit I stare the Inhale every minutes...... *scary*
I admit that I hope GA gets better soon! Make sure you do take your inhaler as dr's order. It would help you get a speedy recovery. HOpe you get well soon!!!!! Hugs!

I admit that I'm feeling alittle sick with a cold, maybe. :eek:
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