"I Admit " Part 8

i amdit that i made strawberry pies tonight yummy!
SmileyGin said:

i admit i was surfing on www and found this cute pics of monkey for deafmonkey hehe.. :)

have fun with those! :)

I admit that I didnt see this thread till now and it make me laugh and love that monkeys lol Thanks for post the picture of monkeys so I am gonna save that now lol :lol:
I admit I had backache for 3 days. Muscles pulled.

I admit I had hardly to go sleep or lying down!
SherryCherish said:
I admit I had backache for 3 days. Muscles pulled.

I admit I had hardly to go sleep or lying down!

I admit I wonder if you ever tried using a small hard ball and place it between the spot where you've pulled your muscles and a wall...moving about as you push pressure against the ball can help, I've done this for some time now, it works, but once in awhile, it doesn't...worth a try, huh? ;)
Roadrunner said:
I admit I wonder if you ever tried using a small hard ball and place it between the spot where you've pulled your muscles and a wall...moving about as you push pressure against the ball can help, I've done this for some time now, it works, but once in awhile, it doesn't...worth a try, huh? ;)

I admit that's exactly what my chiropactor suggested! Except he suggested using a tennis ball.
CATLOVERS2000 said:
i know what you mean.. not many would drink that.. lol..i do sometimes as I used to work at bar and restaurant.. i have tasted them.. they r good.. :)

TweetyBird said:
i amdit that i made strawberry pies tonight yummy!

i admit to ask u if u r going to share the pie with us? i love strawberry.. my FAV!!! GRRRR

DeafMonkey said:
I admit that I didnt see this thread till now and it make me laugh and love that monkeys lol Thanks for post the picture of monkeys so I am gonna save that now lol

i admit you are welcome! :)
I admit to coming here and pitching in on the "good nights cuz I'm on Pacific Coast Time! *Tousi saying Good Night to an empty room*
I admit I am reading few threads here... And also eating my hot dog with bun.
Roadrunner said:
I admit I wonder if you ever tried using a small hard ball and place it between the spot where you've pulled your muscles and a wall...moving about as you push pressure against the ball can help, I've done this for some time now, it works, but once in awhile, it doesn't...worth a try, huh? ;)

Really, didnt thought of it! thanks

I admit today will going be fun!
I admit that I say HAPPY 4th of JULY!!! Stay safe! Don't drink and drive :nono: Please do enjoy your day! I will, too!
SherryCherish said:
Really, didnt thought of it! thanks

I admit today will going be fun!

Hard ball like rock you know you want to laid on? Should be soft ball I think? :)

I admit I seem ok but not really. Bit of ... I guess I better go to bed soon. Be safe and be careful for Happy 4th of July! USA!!! USA!!! :cheers: