I admit, Part 13.

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i admit that i have headaches ugh!
I admit huntin in here darn i was soooo behind tsk tsk on me oops :mrgreen:
I admit i fell asleep watching The Bachelor in Rome. I was so mad! grrr. The same goes for Days of our lives! I guess I will watch it in morning. :)
I admit that I'm home from Arkansas! It's had been one hell of a week for me too! I've been to the BBQ Bike where there were so many bikers!! And there was one huge fight Friday night,
Oh Lordie, believe it or not the cops sucks there barley did anything to stop the fight, It was unbelievable!
I admit that I'm home from Arkansas! It's had been one hell of a week for me too! I've been to the BBQ Bike where there were so many bikers!! And there was one huge fight Friday night,
Oh Lordie, believe it or not the cops sucks there barley did anything to stop the fight, It was unbelievable!

I admit that yayayayay Cheri is back!!!!! it is time for me to picking on you

<------ Cheri! lol :lol:
I admit that I´m back from long Wellness-weekends with 12 girlfriends. Really greatttt time... :D

I admit that I welcome Cheri back... :D
I admit that I have been working alot OT and burntout already. not in mood chat w anybody!
I admit to say Thank you girls for welcoming me back, Maybe I should go away more often so I could be more missed!
i admit that i got fever last night gee... so now i am ok but lil headaches blah
I admit that I want to say to Cheri this

welcome back :wave:
I admit that I start not feeling good! UGGGGGGGGGH! I wanted to get the yard clean up before cold weather hit in. I guess I can do that a little today and rest this week.
i admit i have things to do today..I will be going out of town so gonna be busy so will be back online tonite.. ok.. so yall have a great day then.. :D
i admit that i made something dessert i cant tell in here cuz of one member is here..
I admit that I will not be online tomorrow - I will be off. I will be waiting at the door for the techie to come fix the dratted cable and internet - they think it's a cable line pblm...and it took them a week to figure that out???


Rest assured, I will have an electric cattle prod to hurry things along a bit faster...
I admit that i have headahce. grr. I am doing laundry today.
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