Hurricane Ernesto Now headding to florida

I was waiting for a thread to pop up about Ernesto.

But, this is true. We are under the gun right now. We don't have any warnings or watches yet, but already some evacuations are already underway here. We have an mandatory evacuation for all visitors and non residents. I would venture a guess that watches will go up tomorrow, and probably, a voluntary evacuation will be in effect. Will just have to see. We're expecting a category 1-2 storm to affect my area.

But, I'm not liking this.... The storm is supposed to affect us Wed morning. If I disappear, you'll know why. My electricity is probably out or something, or we've packed up and left.

The storm could be heading towards the Gulf States, so be on your toes, guys. When Ernesto enters the Gulf, it's gonna get stronger. We could be looking at a major hurricane in the coming days.

Ugh! I hate hurricane season!

Do you need help to leaving out of Florida? I'm sure that your family will help you.

I'm sorry about hurricane in Florida. :(
Oh geee, Not again another Hurriance..

Hopefully Rest of Floridians be safe evalate (sp) than staying there no matter how many cat.. Important to make sure safety for everyone..

I'll pray for Floridians everyone..
...I will tell you, though. All this "what if" crap, just increases my anxiety. I really do not like hurricane season for this reason.
I know exactly what you mean.

I'm praying for your safety and peace of mind. :hug:
I just saw Gov. Bush live on Fox News announcing the latest evacuations and plans for Florida.

It was interesting watching the sign language terp.

I noticed that when the Governor began speaking Spanish that the terp stopped signing, so I guess she's not tri-lingual. I'm curious if Florida uses Spanish signing terps or just Spanish captions on TV to inform Hispanic deaf about the hurricane? :dunno:
NASA has postponed the space shuttle launch
because of Ernesto Sigh...

I'm now checking Fox News about
Sign Language interpreter
but I cannot find it anywhere....
I know exactly what you mean.

I'm praying for your safety and peace of mind. :hug:

Thank you, Reba. :)

I'm less nervous since the storm has been downgraded to a tropical storm. We're expecting a POSSIBLE cat 1 storm to come over us some time Tues night (maybe Wed night?). But, Wilma was supposed to be "small", and she ended up coming over us as a Cat 3. *sigh*

Can we just fast forward to December?! :lol:
Oh geee, Not again another Hurriance..

Hopefully Rest of Floridians be safe evalate (sp) than staying there no matter how many cat.. Important to make sure safety for everyone..

I'll pray for Floridians everyone..

Yep, another one. Such is life for us.

But, thank you, GA. Prayers are and good thoughts are always welcomed. :)
NASA has postponed the space shuttle launch
because of Ernesto Sigh...

I'm now checking Fox News about
Sign Language interpreter
but I cannot find it anywhere....

I'm glad. It's stupid to try to launch when a storm threatens.
OceanBreeze, you are in my prayers! It's scary to go through a hurricane! I have been through one tornado before in Illinois so I know what you are going through!
OceanBreeze, you are in my prayers! It's scary to go through a hurricane! I have been through one tornado before in Illinois so I know what you are going through!

Thank you! But, you know..I'd rather deal with a hurricane then contend with a tornado ANY day! :lol:

But, thanks. :)
I will say a prayer for all of my Alldeaf members here that everything turns out for the best for all of you living in Florida. Just be prepared, watch the news, and do your best to keep calm in these emergencies. Take care. God Bless.
I will say a prayer for all of my Alldeaf members here that everything turns out for the best for all of you living in Florida. Just be prepared, watch the news, and do your best to keep calm in these emergencies. Take care. God Bless.

Thank you CODA!

About keeping calm...

xanax, anyone? :lol:
haha..why's that? I AM TERRIFIED BY TORNADOS AND HURRICANES! :Ohno: Here the Weatherbug says that we have flood statements here.. oh great!!!!!!!!! :pissed:

Thank you! But, you know..I'd rather deal with a hurricane then contend with a tornado ANY day! :lol:

But, thanks. :)
it may be illogical to hit over FL. Like happen last year on late fall that people thought hurricane gonna hit over Houston but it wasn't. But it's best safe to be at where the location wouldn't flood tht bad.
Those who Tropical STorm will hit will be in my prayers. Good luck and Godspeed.
it may be illogical to hit over FL. Like happen last year on late fall that people thought hurricane gonna hit over Houston but it wasn't. But it's best safe to be at where the location wouldn't flood tht bad.

illogical? Ernesto is on my doorstep, and it's pouring buckets. Winds aren't too bad yet, but our weather is deteriorating rapidly.

Ernesto is is being felt here in SL FL, believe me.
Now Ernesto is raining onto RIT. At least 7 people died because of the storm. I better be careful not to slip, fall and become the 8th one. :ugh: