Hurm... where to start?


New Member
Oct 1, 2006
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Money makes the world go 'round. I've been contemplating on buying my own place for some time, without a decent amount of money I can't do that therefore my only real opinion is a mortage and without a good amount of credit I won't get a mortage. I've gotten little advice from my friends-

Trainee credit card, Costs 25 bucks a month. Has a 50 buck spending limit, boosts your credit immensely over time.

Student loan/financial aid. Attend at least 6 classes per month or a week or something, I forgot and you get like.... 6,000-10,000 to help you with it. I really forgot what it was. I remeber reading it on a site that offered advice for people who were homeless :P... which i came across by accident.

All that aside, anyone got any advice? I'm not looking to buy a house more than 30-40 grand which will probably end up being a single or double wide in a mobile home park.