Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

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Cynical Vez said:
FOXNews? lol...I wouldn't watch this rubbish American propaganda machine. And speaking of WMD, it's old news. Don't you realize that the United States, the KING of Double Standard, have thousands of WMDs too?

I believe the Fox News site offers a link to the declassified portions of the report should you be interested in hearing it straight from the horse's mouth.

As to what happened to the other WMDs, the usable ones, I would not be surprised if prior to the war, Saddam exported it to Syria. It's not like there was no warning prior to the war.
Cynical Vez said:
Saddam? He was President of Iraq, not a And do I have to remind you that the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japanese civilians in 1945?

I cant belive you? Compare US to terrorist when those bombs were dropped.Japanese attacked pearl harbor they deserved to had what came to them.Just like those middle east people deserved came to them when those 9-11 hijackers took down the WTC.So this is the message to the world,If you dont want to see our military then dont attack us.
Heath said:
We don't attack another countries and they are used as a deterrent whereas muslim terrorists will not hesitate to use WMD's. That is the difference.
Yes, we attacked other countries. Need I remind you of the War in Iraq?

It's not our country. Why should we be worried. We have great defense systems. We're better off staying here and making sure there are no terrorist attacks instead of going to other countries and starting wars on an assumption... which wasn't proven until years later.
yes i agree with you. Bush is stupid to do pre-emptive strike. Vp Cheney should have kept his word when he said it is real danger to invade Iraq after driving them out of Kuwait. (near the bottom)
Q: What was your advice to the President about those uprisings?

Cheney: I was not an enthusiast about getting US forces and going into Iraq. We were there in the southern part of Iraq to the extent we needed to be there to defeat his forces and to get him out of Kuwait but the idea of going into Baghdad for example or trying to topple the regime wasn't anything I was enthusiastic about. I felt there was a real danger here that you would get bogged down in a long drawn out conflict, that this was a dangerous difficult part of the world, if you recall we were all worried about the possibility of Iraq coming apart, the Iranians restarting the conflict that they'd had in the eight year bloody war with the Iranians and the Iraqis over eastern Iraq. We had concerns about the Kurds in the north, the Turks get very nervous every time we start to talk about an independent Kurdistan.

Plus there was the notion that you were going to set yourself a new war aim that we hadn't talked to anybody about. That you hadn't gotten Congress to approve, hadn't talked to the American people about. You're going to find yourself in a situation where you've redefined your war aims and now set up a new war aim that in effect would detract from the enormous success you just had. What we set out to do was to liberate Kuwait and to destroy his offensive capability, that's what I said repeatedly in my public statements. That was the mission I was given by the President. That's what we did. Now you can say well you should have gone to Baghdad and gotten Saddam, I don't think so I think if we had done that we would have been bogged down there for a very long period of time with the real possibility we might not have succeeded.

shows that he's idiot!

by the way check out this Frontline show that was out on June 20th "The Dark Side" about Cheney

see what Daily Kos posted about this show;

this link shows that Bush wants to invade Iraq long before 9/11
Buckdodgers said:
Saddam Used it on his own people back in the 80s.Saddam used it on the iranians in the Iraq & Iran war.

Don't forget that Saddam was our ally during that conflict, and we practically gave Saddam the greenlight to invade Kuwait.
Buckdodgers said:
WASHINGTON — The United States has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since 2003, and more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be uncovered, two Republican lawmakers said Wednesday.

"We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference late Wednesday afternoon.

Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."

WMDs Found in IRAQ!

The debate is over, no excuse from the left anymore....I knew this would happen in time. It was classified the whole time, game over...

All this Barking from The left wing Liberal Democrats telling George Bush is wrong for invading IRAQ.Now Will left wing democrats will FINALY SHUT THE HELL UP? That Includes you sir Ted Kennedy.If Ted Kennedy wins in Novemver this will prove the Elections are rigged by massachusetts beaucrats.

the key word here is DEGRADED........very old weapons.....
no one denies sadam was a monster....but when he was invaded was the only time in his carreer he WASNT doing anything.
george bush and tony blair are also monster monsters...
1. are iraqis safer now
2. are americans and english safer now
3.does anyone like us for what we have done to iraq
NOTHING your government says will convince any foreigners that the united nations isnt the correct vehicle to settle international disputes,NOT a well armed coalition of the willing.
Buckdodgers said:
I cant belive you? Compare US to terrorist when those bombs were dropped.Japanese attacked pearl harbor they deserved to had what came to them.Just like those middle east people deserved came to them when those 9-11 hijackers took down the WTC.

lol...of course, you Americans said, "Pearl Harbor!" If you study the attack itself carefully, you will see that Japanese attacked the military targets (Naval base & airfields), not civilians. That's a big difference, Yank.

Buckdodgers said:
So this is the message to the world,If you dont want to see our military then dont attack us.

Iraq didn't attack America.:dunno:
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