human races

Probably feeling insecure. My best guess is that being aggressive would make them feel more secured with their "social ladder".

Nope, it's due to the social conditions.
Nope, it's due to the social conditions.

I don't see anyone calling them racial slur, oppressing them. Even though they act very aggressive.

Maybe you're right, due to social condition. They feel like they are on bottom of social ladder.
I grew up Jewish. I had a deaf Muslim girlfriend for a short time in high school. IT did not work out because her Mom wanted her to date a Muslim man. Looking back, I would suppose that I'm glad that I did not marry her.
I don't see anyone calling them racial slur, oppressing them. Even though they act very aggressive.

Maybe you're right, due to social condition. They feel like they are on bottom of social ladder.

You are making assumptions here. It is due to the social conditions. How many times do I have to say it?

Who are you referring to as being aggressive?
Nope, it's due to the social conditions.

Correct the people in a particular area of town that is riddled with drugs and gang violence, drive-by shootings - etc.

The White kids, the Black kids the Hispanic kids and the interracial kids all have the same disadvantage, the whole area is well behind grade level ...

to busy trying to stay alive and not get abused by whoever to study...

these kids grow up thinking they have no future and become violent as its the only thing they know...
You are making assumptions here. It is due to the social conditions. How many times do I have to say it?

Who are you referring to as being aggressive?

no you're making the assumption here. You don't even know my whole story. I am referring to someone who is opposite, not necessarily by race, it can be disability, gender, etc.

Just quick summary, two mexican classmates was raised in good, hard working family with decent house. I am not talking about extended family living together, just a normal nuclear family in town of 4k people with almost zero crime. All got started with one project, this one student became agitated by how hard project was. So he decided to boss me around, soon after that other mexican student decided to do same thing. Rest of class was white, those two student was only minorities in my class. They continue yanking my chain for next few years until I graduated. I guess they decided to turn me into minority since I am only deaf student in school. Whatever makes them feel better.

Can you explain how this is related with social condition?
no you're making the assumption here. You don't even know my whole story. I am referring to someone who is opposite, not necessarily by race, it can be disability, gender, etc.

Just quick summary, two mexican classmates was raised in good, hard working family with decent house. I am not talking about extended family living together, just a normal nuclear family in town of 4k people with almost zero crime. All got started with one project, this one student became agitated by how hard project was. So he decided to boss me around, soon after that other mexican student decided to do same thing. Rest of class was white, those two student was only minorities in my class. They continue yanking my chain for next few years until I graduated. I guess they decided to turn me into minority since I am only deaf student in school. Whatever makes them feel better.

Can you explain how this is related with social condition?

It probably is because that's usually the case. I'm not the one making assumptions here. You are. You made assumptions about the living conditions the two "Mexican" classmates are in. How do you know? Do you live in their neighbourhood? Do you see how people treat them on a daily basis? Do you know what goes on in their houses? Do you know why they treated you in such a manner? Did you ask them why they gave you a hard time? You assumed it was due to the fact that you were deaf, but you obviously don't know that because you only guessed that.

After all, you did say that I don't know your story. You're right, I don't. Neither do you since your story is one-sided at the moment. There is no depth to it.

If people are treated like second-class citizens, they are more likely to repeat the pattern with someone who they deem to be be the inferior and weak. For someone who may be a part of a minority, they may choose to prey on people who they believe to be below them in the chain.

This is a common problem in schools. For instance, schools for the deaf. Students who are deaf and lacking in other disabilities, some of them may pick on students who have multiple disabilities because they see them as being at the bottom of the chain.

Besides, what do you exactly mean by being put into a minority? You are a part of a minority due to your disability.
Correct the people in a particular area of town that is riddled with drugs and gang violence, drive-by shootings - etc.

The White kids, the Black kids the Hispanic kids and the interracial kids all have the same disadvantage, the whole area is well behind grade level ...

in my city, we are literally divided by a bridge and then a few invisible lines. There's north side (where i live), south side, and fleetwood. Fleetwood, for the most part, doesn't like the rest of the city. their kids don't even the schools . they go to schools out of district even thou most of the schools are closer to fleetwood for the most part and the city in total is only 4^2 miles. The quote more or less describes north/south side. Fleetwood is where the upper class, the majority white, folks live. There a currently no white kids in my classes.
I think it depends entirely on regional and demographic data.

In midwest, it seems that white folks are much more friendlier than non-white ones. Maybe its because from where I grew up, my town was like 90%% white, while rest 10% are either mexican or asian, no black. Not sure exactly why... coincidence?

I had an opportunity to experience the cultural shock of living in very diverse city. So diverse so I can't tell which race is more likely to be rude. Three week ago, I got robbed by two black male at rustic village. I am trying hard not to let that affect my perspective of black people in Rochester.

I am not so surprised. I was nearly attacked by a stranger black man possibly a gangster few blocks northeast from Greyhound/Amtrak center in Rochy.
Eighty, have you been to Buffalo? It is one hour from Rochester. When you are in town, don't go to the East Side in Buffalo on foot.
You're racist original poster.

How? I am white. Ok you tell me that why are the white people do to me when they first met me and were unwilling to try to communicate with me. Guess is that why I dont speak AND I even wrote the pen and paper when they seem impatient or defensive about writing the pen and paper with me. THEY CAN READ AND WRITE. While other kind of races people do willing to talk to me without using write and paper.

Based on my experiences. :dunno2:

i guess you didnt read my post that mentions about not imply this to any causes about the rasict.
That's why I married a Mexican and then a black guy even though they are b oth hearing. Lol
I think it has to do with the way people are, whether they're compassionate, thoughtful, and accepting. I'm mexican and my boyfriend is caucasian, his family is way more supportive of me and my situation than my own family is. My mom is pretty cool about it, so are my 1(out of 6) brother, one niece, and some cousins . Everybody including my sister, nieces, nephews, brothers are not as considerate. Heck, even my coworkers know how to talk to me.
I work as a cashier and I've actually had one stranger actually poke** my hearing aid and ask what is was.. and on another occasion I've had someone say, "Well maybe I should talk in spanish to you?"
I was, like, "really?, dude, I can't hear very well, it doesn't matter which language you speak to me in"
Upper class white people have privilege (that they ignore). Privileged people are accustomed to being accomodated, not accomodating other people. They are often ignorant about other cultures. Expecting to be accomodated may come off as arrogance to less privileged people whom are expected to conform.
People lower on the social ladder cannot oppress people at the top for one simple reason--people below do not possess the power to do that. Race and class are the elephants in the room. Also gender. This discussion is not racist but it makes people very uncomfortable, especially people with privilege.
Upper class white people have privilege (that they ignore). Privileged people are accustomed to being accomodated, not accomodating other people. They are often ignorant about other cultures. Expecting to be accomodated may come off as arrogance to less privileged people whom are expected to conform.
People lower on the social ladder cannot oppress people at the top for one simple reason--people below do not possess the power to do that. Race and class are the elephants in the room. Also gender. This discussion is not racist but it makes people very uncomfortable, especially people with privilege.

I understand what you are saying. Thats interesting.