Howdys ya'll


New Member
Nov 25, 2006
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My name is Scott. I stumbled across this site a while ago and have visited infrequently.. decided to bite the bullet and register.

Hmmm I guess some clarification about my deafness might be useful. I have sensory-neural loss (hereditary on mother's side); gradually lost hearing between age 9 and 12. Both mother and father are deaf (both teachers, altho dad is now retired), as well as an older brother. Have attended public school, mainstream (deaf program in public school), deaf school (Indiana) and Galludet. I wouldn't go so far as to say ASL is my native language, but I do consider myself very proficient with it, as I should after all this time - smile.

I graduated Gally in '88 with a degree in Accounting and almost immediately became assimilated as a gubmint drone in DC. Currently, I'm a Semi-retired ex-gubmint drone (worked for ATF's HQ) who has opted out to raise daughter and pursue a career in golf down in Texas - been here since '01.

Well, anyways... howdys. :wave:
to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay :)
Hello ScottB. Welcome to AD.

Where is 'deep in the heart of Texas'? I was born and raised in San Antonio. With all the warm weather down there, you should be able to get in a round or two. Have you thought about taking your daughter out on the links? It's good excercise if you ditch the cart. :)
Hello ScottB. Welcome to AD.

Where is 'deep in the heart of Texas'? I was born and raised in San Antonio. With all the warm weather down there, you should be able to get in a round or two. Have you thought about taking your daughter out on the links? It's good excercise if you ditch the cart. :)

Well, right near you apparently, lol. In SA near RAFB. If you've taken classes at SAC, I know several of your professors and it's possible my mother was one if you took ASL 1 or 2 (evening classes) at SAC within the past few years.

When I do play golf around here, I try to walk whenever possible; my daughter? lolololol, as if... maybe some year she'll express an interest, but at 14 years of age, golf ain't it, even tho' I explained there's a ton of scholarship money to be had.
:welcome: to AD! Enjoy your stay here! :)
Howdy neighbor

Well, right near you apparently, lol. In SA near RAFB. If you've taken classes at SAC, I know several of your professors and it's possible my mother was one if you took ASL 1 or 2 (evening classes) at SAC within the past few years.

It IS a small world after all. I know exactly where Randolph AFB is. I can get to Pat Booker Road blindfolded. I graduated from SAC in May '05. My last ASL class was '02 or '03. They all run together after 18 (yes, REALLY) semesters. My last three years there were evening classes, so I may have met your mom in the ASL lab. Watch out for Lauri. Her classes are wonderful and in depth, but her tests will make your arm fall off. Yes, REALLY. ;)
Yeah I've had occasion to meet Lauri over the past few years. Barwise went to Gally around the same time I did. My mom (Nancy Slasor) teaches ASL 1 and occasionally 2 evening classes, primarily at SAC, but splitting time with PAC the past 2 years.

The lady (N. Cantu) who worked in lab a few years ago lives right up the road from me, and the guy who was also working there a few years ago, Jay Levine, went (this is how small the world can be) to the same high school I did (Ind. Sch. f/t Deaf) graduating about 4 years behind me. Jay's currently working in some school district out in Castroville.
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! ...hmm...bite the 'bullet'?...must only means: Vbulletin--makes sense! :D enjoy your stay here in AD and share some of your golf scores too-- :lol:

Have a great day! :wave:

Yeah I've had occasion to meet Lauri over the past few years. Barwise went to Gally around the same time I did. My mom (Nancy Slasor) teaches ASL 1 and occasionally 2 evening classes, primarily at SAC, but splitting time with PAC the past 2 years.

The lady (N. Cantu) who worked in lab a few years ago lives right up the road from me, and the guy who was also working there a few years ago, Jay Levine, went (this is how small the world can be) to the same high school I did (Ind. Sch. f/t Deaf) graduating about 4 years behind me. Jay's currently working in some school district out in Castroville.

I know them all. Say 'Hello' and 'Feliz Navidad' to them for me. :)