How would you like to be able to hear again?


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Imagine 5-10 years from now, the estimated 24 million people with hearing loss in the United States will have the option to become hearing all over again. Pigs may not be able to fly, but this is actually something in the works according to Harvard Medical School.

Normally, people are born with 50,000 hair cells. When these cells are lost, possibly due to age, disease or injury, they never grow back. A gene has been discovered which appears to play a major role in preventing ear hair cells from regenerating. Researchers are Harvard Medical School claim they can manipulate this particular gene, and block the gene's action so that hair cells can actually regenerate.

According to Dr. Anil K. Lalwani, chairman of otolaryngology at New York University Medical Center, the fact that the manipulation of this particular gene will be applied in the ear and would be used short-term, there shouldn't be any concerns over side effects.

Researchers have already successfully helped re-grow lost hair cells in adult guinea pigs. Five to ten years from now, who knows, with a little bit of luck, people with hearing loss may be able to hear again.
this would definately be something that Ravensteve would trip over to be the FIRST in line -- wont be surprising to me
Fly Free said:
this would definately be something that Ravensteve would trip over to be the FIRST in line -- wont be surprising to me
same thought :laugh2: :laugh2:
Fly Free said:
this would definately be something that Ravensteve would trip over to be the FIRST in line -- wont be surprising to me

Ditto. I also had the same thought!

Scary, huh? :rofl:
I'm very cynical that it'll ever come to fruition. I know over at the New Mobilty and Care Cure Boards, a lot of the people who were injuired back in the old days, were told when they were injuired that "a cure was just around the corner" It's now twenty-thirty years later and still no cure! Besides, a lot of cures and hypothesises have worked well in animal models but haven't worked out well in real life. I know that we have managed to cure diseases and manage disorders but humans have never ever been able to cure disabilty (by disabilty I mean things like deafness, blindness, cerebal palsy and stuff like that)
I also think that we as humans suffer when we claim things like disabilty are abnormal or that they belong in the releam of illness. Disabilty is part of the nautral human spectrum, and it shouldn't be cured! What next? Curing people whose noses are a little bit crooked? Curing people who think outside of the lines? Curing geniesas? Curing skin color, curing any divirity in the human race and just idealizing the Aryan beauty as the perfect norm?
Alex if i hit the lotto and if you found a way to get my hearing back, ill buy you anything you want. Even this .
Researchers have already successfully helped re-grow lost hair cells in adult guinea pigs.

<<<Re-grow hair? Who needs hearing? :)

Steve said:
<<<Re-grow hair? Who needs hearing? :)

Ain’t gonna work for me—my cochlea’s probably ossified. Now, if they could figure out a way to grow hair on my head, I’ll pay them a little visit. :mrgreen:
This would work for me. This is why I became deaf. :thumb:

Of course, I wouldn't really care. I'm not desperate to become hearing again. ;)
Actually, if I had to bet money on it I’d say that Vampy probably leads a hell of a lot more interesting life than you do. I’m sure he at least gets laid more often than you. So if he’s not too concerned about regaining his hearing, why should you be?
Very funni Ravensteve! :lol: ...

I personally wouldn't mind hearing again, it would be interesting to know the sounds we have around us yet, I just hope the sounds out there wouldn't hurt my ears.... :lol: ...
ravensteve1961 said:
Well i am, I have a life you know, and i want it back.
Who says that hearing has to be your life. There are tons of things that we can do with our life.
i wish!!

i kinda wish it was the other way around.. i kno its not AS nice as us hearies think it is.. but i wana kno wat it actually FEELS like to be deaf.. i wanna experience it for one day... just to try it out.. i kinda wish it was the other way around.. i wanna loose my hearing.. i already kno ASL .. i just feel that id be a whole lot happier not having to deal with or rather hear the bullshit.. that goes on i n the world.. peace and quiet.... 4 once...

i know its not all that i think it is.. because i kno deaf people see it.. but it has to be nice at times
I like the silence. No phones ringing, no door knocks, no 'thump thump' from the overweight neighbors upstairs, no 'waah waah' from the neighbors newborn baby.

Silence is beautiful and I think I can pass up the hearing opportunity at this lifetime of mine.

born deaf will die deaf :) moi the happy who i am...

however.. ravensteve please do us a favor.... don;t break your ears on the way to the lineup :)

( walks away)
Nesmuth said:
I like the silence. No phones ringing, no door knocks, no 'thump thump' from the overweight neighbors upstairs, no 'waah waah' from the neighbors newborn baby.

Silence is beautiful and I think I can pass up the hearing opportunity at this lifetime of mine.


then, why are you wearing hearing aids?
I would simply pass it up! 40 years of completely silence, I would be totally nuts once Im in noisy world! No way I could image dealing with sounds going on. Perhaps thats phobia I am having! Soundophobia, how does that sounds to ya? hehehe

BTW, I would UNDERSTAND CLEARLY when one already hearing to start with, like this jerk guy we all know and love wants to get hearing back. Im sure you all know who I am talking about :laugh2: