how will i reach to married before 30 age? six years left


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Nov 14, 2006
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how i will reach to married before 30 age? six years left...

I want to have kids with my future wife...probably daughter.

I knew in chinese likes first son or sons are important

here in america i would love to have daughter after married

hurry, I want to get married before age 30.

why six years?

it is possible as take long time to develop relationship with someone else.

some women like take long time and other are fast.

if we knew each other in hs, we could get married next year fast.

if we met first time, it will takes three to six years.

it came from researchers who study on interpersonal relationship.
Go to Vegas..... I got engaged after 6 hours once.
who said that? the movies?

ivy league professor is my favorite professor at gallaudet university...

i took interpersonal course under my major.

it is true, from book.

if you met someone in hs, it will happen to take in few years

other question,

why did some people think they could get married in few years when met at first time in college? i learned from friend, end up she single alone work, graduated in few years ago.

it is what happen to my childhood friend who is pregnant and "do not know his fiance well."
Have you seem depression women get married between age 25 and 30?

I ask a question, have you depression women get married between age 25 and 30?

some told me their exes cheated on them...

i met some people somewhere and learned about them.

one girl from chicago, she is 25 age, seems depressed, her ex boyfriend sees other girl at yale university. she is pretty and play cross country with twin in stanford. they are from red bank, new jersey.

i think I like her but not met her long time. she seems want to find someoe who can marry her but now she studied mecidine.
Might be easier to defect away from AD and become the first Deaf monk and be celibate for the rest of your life. Your "girlfriend" will always be available just an arm's length away.
I ask a question, have you depression women get married between age 25 and 30?

some told me their exes cheated on them...

i met some people somewhere and learned about them.

one girl from chicago, she is 25 age, seems depressed, her ex boyfriend sees other girl at yale university. she is pretty and play cross country with twin in stanford. they are from red bank, new jersey.

i think I like her but not met her long time. she seems want to find someoe who can marry her but now she studied mecidine.

Shouldn't this be a seperate thread? :hmm:
Might be easier to defect away from AD and become the first Deaf monk and be celibate for the rest of your life. Your "girlfriend" will always be available just an arm's length away.

what is available just arm length?
are you serious? can u tell me detail? how?

u fell in love with someone who match u


I am a proper gentleman....I don't give details

We didn't exactly match in normal life.
Why not son?

what does it mean?
