HOw to wear the BTE Processor and Controller


New Member
Aug 26, 2006
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Erin's CI activated last Friday and we are still struggling with how to wear the various pieces.

First, it became quite clear that there is no way she can wear the processor/microphones on her ear. It is way too large. So, we pinned it to her shoulder. Then, the body worn controller proved way too cumbersome, so we put the BTE controller on and pinned the whole thing to her shoulder.

It works well for the most part, but flops about more than we would like.

Today we used a tie and tied it to the strap of a pair of overalls for daycare. That worked great! But, she can't wear overalls everyday.

I like the pouch idea that Cloggy uses for Lotte... but I don't really know where to find them and I don't think I can pull off making them anytime soon. Although I am working on it.

So, I came up with the idea of putting the BTE in a little mesh bag (like the kind you use to make wedding favors) and tie it to a button on her shoulder.

It sits pretty tight in the bag, so the BTE isn't rattling around up against the mesh. But I am still concerned about scratching noise. I hooked up the monitor headphones and listened to what the BTE sounds like in the bag and out of the bag while sitting on my shoulder. There is a lot of scratching noise whether it is in the bag or not. I can't really tell if it is an overpowering sound.

CI wearers and parents... do you think this idea will work? Will there be intereference in the microphones by wearing the BTE in a little bag?

My question is... is
CI wearers and parents... do you think this idea will work? Will there be intereference in the microphones by wearing the BTE in a little bag?

My question is... is

I'd probably use a cotton material instead of the mesh. I remember someone saying there aren't any real differences in how the microphone picks up sounds from inside or outside a bag.

And your question is.... ? :)
I do not know exactly, but I would imagine that if the mic is covered inside a bag, the sound quality would be deminished. If you want, youi can try what we did until we got our body worn. Secure the whole BTE in what ever way you choose. Nucleus makes a lapell microphone. Plug it into the lower, back area of the battery storage area, and secure the microphone where ever you chose.
If you do this, you could pretty much put the BTE anywhere ya want (as long as it is safe) and just put the Mic on her shirt.
go to and download the catalog. The lapel mic is pricey (like everythingles) $180. But it will give you more options on bte placement.

BTW, when did they comeout with rechargeable BTE batteries? Last year they weren't available.
Put the system we use on Lotte's blog... for the interested...
But I'll put some pictures here.... (Sorry about the size...)
The system:

How's she's wearing it....

could you use cell phone holders? The little bags look kinda like cellphone holders.........and cellphone holders come in all sorts of cool designs and colors!
Thank you, everyone for the suggestions!

Cloggy, I am going to make an attempt at sewing pouches this weekend. I have a ton of heavy fabric left from a failed attempt at roman blinds. So there is alot of extra for mistakes in my seamstress ability.

I agree with Lilly's Dad... beautiful, happy girl!

Lilly's Dad... I like the lapel microphone idea. Our system actually came with the lapel mic. We had planned to use it for story time. But this may be a good way to use it.

I am not sure when they came out with rechargeable batteries for the BTE controller. But we got two sets of batteries and the charger with our system.

We were pleasantly surprised with how much came with our system. We also received an audio and TV cable with it as well. We are a ways away from needing those pieces, but it is nice to know we'll save $300 when we need them.
Thank you, everyone for the suggestions!

Cloggy, I am going to make an attempt at sewing pouches this weekend. I have a ton of heavy fabric left from a failed attempt at roman blinds. So there is alot of extra for mistakes in my seamstress ability.

I agree with Lilly's Dad... beautiful, happy girl!

Lilly's Dad... I like the lapel microphone idea. Our system actually came with the lapel mic. We had planned to use it for story time. But this may be a good way to use it.

I am not sure when they came out with rechargeable batteries for the BTE controller. But we got two sets of batteries and the charger with our system.

We were pleasantly surprised with how much came with our system. We also received an audio and TV cable with it as well. We are a ways away from needing those pieces, but it is nice to know we'll save $300 when we need them.

Yeah, I got the lapel mic, audio/tv cable and also a personal audio cable as well too.
I also got all of that stuff. For some reason I thought yo didn't. There I go thinking again
Just want to remark that regarding the microphone cord, (and FM-equipment) we never used it. For two reasons: First, we haven't got the feeling that she can't hear us, but more important, we don't want to make her "lazy".
She's not exhausted at the end of the day, so that means she doesn't have to stretch too much to listen. She hears well without the additional equipment.

Mind you, part of this (a large part) is probably due to bi-lateral CI. Environmental sounds are not bothering her....